Ibaraki remained perched on her seat, her gaze fixed upon the unfolding scene before her. The relentless horde of demons steadily advanced, closing in on Rin's position. It was a daunting sight, but Ibaraki's confidence in her allies remained steadfast.

Shuten, recognizing the urgency of the situation, unleashed a dense fog of hallucinatory smog, enveloping the surrounding area. The swirling mist hindered the progress of the swift-moving demons, disrupting their senses and causing confusion among their ranks.

Bazett, Illya, and Rin, each wielding their unique magical abilities, joined forces to counter the aerial onslaught. Their spells and incantations lashed out, striking down the airborne demons with precision and skill. The trio worked in tandem, their coordinated efforts ensuring that the sky above remained a hostile territory for the demonic invaders.

Meanwhile, Saber, Shirou, and Berserker waged a relentless battle on the ground, fending off the surviving demons that managed to evade the aerial onslaught. With their combined might, they swiftly dispatched their adversaries, preventing any further threats from infiltrating their defenses.

Observing the chaos that unfolded, Ibaraki couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for her comrades. However, Yukari's words of reassurance echoed in her mind, reminding her to trust in their abilities and the strength of their united front. With renewed determination, Ibaraki nodded, placing her faith in the resilience and skill of her allies.

And so, she sat patiently, her eyes unwavering as she watched the relentless war unfold. Every passing moment brought them closer to victory or defeat, but Ibaraki remained resolute, confident that their unwavering resolve would guide them through the trials ahead. Together, they would face the challenges, no matter how daunting, and emerge triumphant.

As the demons continued to swarm the surroundings, Shuten recognized the increasing threat they posed. With a decisive motion, she expanded the reach of her hallucinatory smog, its toxic properties enhanced by the contents of her gourd. The noxious fog billowed out, permeating the air and swiftly dispatching the weaker demons that succumbed to its poisonous embrace.

Meanwhile, Marisa, having successfully demolished the two strongholds, swiftly assessed the situation at the temporary camp. She realized the imminent danger it faced and promptly adjusted her strategy. Employing her laser-like projectiles, she unleashed precise beams of destructive energy, skillfully thinning the ranks of the encroaching demons. Her calculated strikes ensured that the camp would not be consumed by the devastating impact of her meteoric attacks.

Just as weariness began to take its toll on Saber, Shirou, and Berserker, Altrogue arrived on the scene, descending upon the entryway with unmatched ferocity. Her relentless assault carved a path through the demonic horde, her blades cleaving through their ranks with swift precision. With Altrogue's formidable aid, the trio could momentarily catch their breath and recover from their strenuous battle.

The relentless efforts of Shuten, Marisa, and Altrogue showcased their unwavering resolve in the face of overwhelming odds. Their contributions provided crucial moments of respite, allowing the weary defenders to regroup, reassess, and prepare for the ongoing onslaught. Though fatigue clung to their limbs, their determination remained unyielding, driven by the shared purpose of defending their makeshift fort.

Lancer and Archer, having completed their mission of destroying the remaining seals, hastened their return to the temporary camp. However, their progress was impeded by the relentless pursuit of the demons, who doggedly gave chase, driven by their insatiable hunger for destruction.

Meanwhile, witnessing the destruction of all seven seals, Yukari leaned in and kissed Ibaraki, a gesture of encouragement and support. A smile formed on Yukari's lips as she observed Ibaraki's growing excitement and anticipation. The moment had finally arrived for Ibaraki to unleash her true power, her monstrous beast form. With a surge of determination, Ibaraki unleashed her formidable strength, transforming into her fearsome beastly state.

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