Chapter 91

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The participants formed a huddle, their minds focused on strategizing for the battles that lay ahead. The close victory they had just achieved served as a stark reminder of the challenges they faced. They needed a fresh approach, a new plan to overcome the looming threats.

After careful consideration, Marisa was nominated as the scout, her quick reflexes and keen senses making her an ideal candidate for the task. She accepted the responsibility without hesitation, ready to venture into the unknown and gather vital information about the surrounding strongholds.

Meanwhile, Yukari, ever the mastermind, proposed a new rule that could potentially sway the tide of the battle. She decided that by tempting the enemies with the destruction of the gacha machine, they could entice them into a confrontation. The promise of freedom, the opportunity to break free from the confines of this war, would serve as tempting bait.

Ibaraki couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the sight of the millions of demons marching toward the center. The sheer magnitude of their approaching forces was daunting, and she worried for the safety of their group. The urgency to act swiftly and decisively weighed heavily on her mind.

Marisa's return brought forth a somber atmosphere as she relayed the unsettling information she had gathered. The magnitude of the approaching horde struck them all, causing the previously formulated skirmish plan to be discarded. It was now apparent that they would face the entire horde in an instant.

Amidst the heavy silence, Shirou's voice broke through, reminding them of one of Yukari's rules. "We should free the Ruler," he said, his words resonating with determination. It became clear that with two seals already broken, their focus should shift to breaking the remaining five seals.

Rin, filled with a resolute spirit, took charge and laid out their next course of action. "Marisa, Archer, Lancer, Altrogue, I need all four of you to focus on destroying the remaining seals. The rest of us will work on creating a makeshift fort here," she instructed her words reflecting a steadfast belief in their ability to overcome the impending hordes.

The participants absorbed Rin's instructions, their expressions mirroring a mixture of concern and determination. They knew that the battle ahead would be grueling, but they were united in their resolve to prevail.

With determined nods, the four designated seal-breakers acknowledged Marisa's instructions, each of them taking note of the stronghold locations. Marisa would target the two farthest strongholds, while the remaining three participants would concentrate on destroying the rest. The pivotal seal, hidden within the central obelisk's grand globe, would be their primary objective.

Illya swiftly conveyed her plan to Berserker, directing him to uproot trees and assemble them into a makeshift barricade. The towering servant complied, his immense strength effortlessly manipulating the landscape. Rin, utilizing her expertise in jewel magecraft, channeled her energy into fortifying the barricade, reinforcing it with a layer of magical resilience.

Their concerted efforts centered around creating a single entry point, strategically positioned to prevent the encirclement of Saber, Shirou, and Berserker. By concentrating the demon onslaught at this controlled access point, they aimed to maintain a manageable defensive position and minimize the risk of being overwhelmed.

As the barricade took shape, the participants could sense a tangible surge of anticipation and unity. The fortification represented their collective determination to protect their position and buy valuable time for the seal-breakers to complete their vital task. Every member understood the importance of their role, and they prepared themselves mentally and physically for the imminent clash that awaited them.

Saber, Shirou, and Berserker stood ready, their resolve unwavering. They knew that the upcoming battle would test their mettle, but their determination burned bright. With the barricade in place, their focus shifted to guarding the vulnerable entry point, and each of them prepared to unleash their strengths in a synchronized effort to repel the relentless hordes of demons.

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