Chapter 20

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I'm standing here in front of the mirror looking at my silhouette

My transformation reminded me of those magical girls but without the chants

Maybe because I clad myself in mana or my whole body is made out of mana that I shined brightly and my appearance suddenly changes

I have become a human and I added a bit of my height

I lost my horns and my tattoos while I retain the color of my hair I changed the color of my eyes from gold to green

I grabbed a red hair tie to tie my hair into a ponytail and grabbed the clothes that I've made using Marisa's and Reimu's clothes as an inspiration

"hmm... I can't gauge if it looks alright on me"

Despite that, I like to sew I don't have a thing for fashion

The majority of the time I use it to create things I want and for cosplay that I didn't even wear

Well introductory to the person I've mimicked is the one and only Mordred from FGO which is the person from the Arthurian Legends

Who killed their father because they didn't accept her as a son of some sort and the next heir to the throne

"Marisa, can I use your spare shoes?"

I make my voice loud enough for her to hear me from the outside




I have successfully asked her out on a date!

I'm quite worried she will turn me down...

But thankfully she agreed

Hopefully, I could get an idea of how to help her from our date

"Marisa, how do I look?"

"Marisa, how do I look?"

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"So... Beautiful..."

"is that so?"

"Un! You are very pretty!"

And cute

"Then hop in!"

"Riding a broom huh... That's the first time I will experience it"

"hehehe~ hold on tight okay?"

"of course"


I underestimate how difficult it is to not blush when someone that you are interested in is holding your waist

You can't help but be conscious of how you feel their skin despite being separated by clothing

Despite the wind hitting my face I could smell her scent which muddles my mind a little bit...

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