Chapter 61

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A month has passed, and many things have changed. Their financial situation is now very favorable, thanks to Ibaraki's and Marisa's hunting of several rogue magi in a month.

With their newfound wealth, they have purchased many items, including electrical appliances. Thanks to Nyx's expertise with runes, they can use these appliances without a regular outlet or line of electricity.

Their relationship with Sakura is quite amicable as they treat her like a younger sister. Additionally, due to Ibaraki's frequent exposure to the sea, her saint graph as a Lancer has completed, and she can now control water.

Ibaraki had determined that Sakura was mentally stable, but the school had grown suspicious due to her absence for the past month. As Mordred, Ibaraki was currently with Sakura, gazing out at the beach and watching the waves crash against the sand.

"Sakura, would you like to stay with your childhood friend? I don't mean to dismiss you, but the harbor is quite far away and you're still studying," Ibaraki asked, seeking Sakura's opinion.

"Ehh? Staying with Shirou?" Sakura blushed at the prospect of staying with Shirou, as Shuten's teachings had greatly influenced Sakura, and it gave Ibaraki a headache.

'I knew letting Stella teach Sakura was a bad idea.' Ibaraki could see her Saber and Shirou ship sinking in the distance as she let out a forced smile.

"But can I come back here with you guys?" Sakura looked at Mordred with a hopeful look. Despite how Mordred looked and acted, she was quite gentle, like Sakura's true mother.

"Of course. After all, you are our dear little sister," Mordred smiled as she ruffled Sakura's hair, making Sakura feel warm as she tried to stop Mordred from ruining her hair.

"Mordred! Sakura! Dinner is ready!" Shuten, who was taking the form of Oda Nobunaga, loudly shouted at them, causing the two to quickly head towards the house.


While Shuten and Ibaraki discussed how they would approach Sakura's situation with school and Shirou, Marisa and Sakura were having practical magic lessons at the giant tree in the backyard of the house. Nyx was present to supervise and ensure that everything went smoothly.

Sakura used Structural Grasp to analyze the broken digital clock and identified the problem with its circuitry. She then used Reinforcement to strengthen a wooden stick, which Marisa shot at with a bullet.

To test her Water magic, Sakura fired a water bullet at a target and then again with a more powerful force that obliterated it. Next, she projected the same stick as before and tested its durability once more by having Marisa shoot at it again, and it still remained intact.

Finally, Sakura transmuted a bar of lead on the table into gold, showcasing her mastery of elemental transmutation. Nyx watched closely, making sure no accidents occurred during the practice session.

While Marisa supervised, Sakura practiced her magic by performing various spells. She began by using a structural grasp spell on a broken digital clock, then reinforced a stick and had Marisa shoot a single bullet at it to test its durability. Sakura then shot an ordinary water bullet at a target and followed it up with another water bullet that instantly obliterated the target. She then used transmutation magic to turn a bar of lead into gold.

Next, Nyx created a blank spirit for Sakura to eliminate, which she successfully did by dialing down the number shown in her eyes to zero. Finally, Nyx summoned an Evil spirit, and Sakura used her structural grasp to hold it in place while she used darkness magic to swallow it, causing it to vanish. Nyx gave Sakura a thumbs up to signify her success.

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