Chapter 41

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For the sudden stop of updates, I have fallen into depression because of my mood swings. A friend of mine decided to treat me well and cheer me up. So I am doing well now!

Also, I decided to increase the word count to 3k maybe 4k in the future


After they got home, Shuten decided to make something to ease Marisa's hangover while Ibaraki decided to clean Marisa's entire body so the stench of alcohol will disappear


Ibaraki can be seen supporting and feeding Marisa, while the latter is very happy with such treatment.

When Shuten sees this, she could only shake her head and intend to ask Marisa if she finds the feast suspicious.

"Marisa, do you think a second feast is normal?"

Her look can only convey her unhappiness after she was interrupted by Shuten.

"Of course, it's suspicious after all it's Reimu we're talking about, but it's free foods and drinks! I can't say no to that".

Ibaraki can only express exasperation since she underestimated Marisa's shamelessness, while Shuten goes speechless after a blunt confession of true intentions.

"That reminds me of something!"

She suddenly exclaimed, and she suddenly looked at Ibaraki with sparkling eyes.

"Give me a love bite!"

Ibaraki suddenly becomes blank and Shuten suddenly got surprised as she is not expected Marisa to go further beyond what she thought.

Ibaraki scratches her head as she can't deny the request from her cute girlfriend.

"Fine, where do you want me to bite you?"

Marisa smiled after hearing Ibaraki agreed with such a request, so grabs the collar of her clothes and exposed her fair skin to Ibaraki.

Ibaraki gulped as she restrained her desire and imagine the human centipede quenching the burning desire in her.

But it only added to her excitement, Shuten noticed this, so she suddenly open one of her gourds and make Ibaraki drink it.

Marisa suddenly got confused by the Duo's actions, she wanted to ask what happened, but Ibaraki return to normal immediately.

Shuten noticed Marisa's confusion, so she decided to explain.

"If I let her, we won't have the strength to get up the next three days once again"

Marisa let out an Ohh~ as she suddenly blushed, remembering what Ibaraki did to them.

Ibaraki, slowly approached Marisa as the latter closed her eyes.

Ibaraki opens her mouth and reveals her sharp fangs, but suddenly Shuten decided to smack Ibaraki in the head.

"Ouch!, what's that for?!"

Ibaraki glared at the perpetrator while rubbing her head.

Shuten suddenly shakes her head and explains how love bites work.

"Love bite occurs when you suck the skin, not you bite them!"

Ibaraki spaced out for a moment before letting out a fake laugh.

"I know what love bite is... I am not that stupid"

Marisa's sweat dropped and shuddered to imagine what will happen to her if Ibaraki bit her.

Becoming an Oni in this land of illusionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang