Chapter 78

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Two years had passed since their arrival in Fuyuki. Marisa, Ibaraki, and Yukari had made it their mission to travel outside of the region, hunting rogue mages wherever they could be found. Their efforts had turned Fuyuki into a safe and peaceful place, free from the dangers of rogue magic.

Meanwhile, Shuten had taken charge of the bar, turning it into a thriving business. Nyx, in turn, had also found success by using the hot spring as a business venture. However, their operations were not without challenges. Drunken customers often hit on them, which would sometimes lead to Ibaraki's explosive temper.

Despite their frustrations, they understood that dealing with such customers was to be expected. However, when someone hit on Ibaraki that night, they had gone too far. In a moment of fury, they were dragged away and given a brutal punishment that they would never forget. It was a lesson to those who thought that they could get away with such behavior.

Marisa, Shuten, Nyx, and Yukari knew that Ibaraki's fiery temper was not to be taken lightly, and they took it upon themselves to protect her from any unwanted advances. In one instance, Marisa had used her broom to send a person flying towards the deep ocean for daring to make unsavory comments about Ibaraki. Shuten served her special poisonous wine to those who needed a lesson, and Nyx gave them nightmares that would torture them even in death.

As the incidents continued, Yukari had taken to disappearing those who threatened the safety and dignity of her friends. Although she had never shown herself to others, her presence was felt in the disappearance of those who dared to cross the line.

As a result, the bar and hot springs had become a place strictly for women and dubbed as such by the people. However, in reality, men were allowed, but they had to tread carefully. One wrong move towards the staff would result in them disappearing or being crippled for life.

Despite the glowing feedback of patrons and the increasing numbers of disappearing patrons, some still remained skeptical about the reputation of the bar and hot springs. Many thought of it as some kind of exclusive club with an air of "gatekeeping," which caused the establishment to have off-days where it wasn't filled to the brim with customers. Despite this, the business was taking off and becoming quite profitable, especially since the maintenance costs were relatively low with the presence of magic.

As for Altrogue, she had become a constant companion of Ibaraki, much to the latter's initial dismay. However, when with others, Altrogue returned to being a normal person. It was all thanks to Shuten's guidance and teachings that had helped Altrogue to develop into her own distinct personality, no longer simply a "yes" person.

However, Altrogue's masochistic tendencies caught Ibaraki off guard, and she wasn't sure what to do. Despite this, Altrogue seemed thrilled with her newfound personality, and Ibaraki had to come to grips with this new and unexpected dynamic.

Yukari, for her part, remained fiercely protective of Ibaraki, but it didn't dampen her mischievous nature. The two of them synced together like a well-oiled machine, keeping each other in check and spicing up each other's lives.

Marisa, meanwhile, couldn't be happier with the state of things. The two Youkai had become such a tremendous asset to her with the vast wealth of books and treasures they'd brought into her home. It was like she was living in heaven with all the borrowing they were doing.

While Ibaraki and Yukari had garnered some enemies due to their tendency to humiliate and bully magi who crossed their path, they remained untouchable thanks to Zelretch's personal recommendation. They could even sometimes be seen alongside the powerful enigmatic mage, laughing evilly. As a result, the Mage Association was powerless to do anything against them.

Becoming an Oni in this land of illusionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon