Chapter 76

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As Ibaraki closed her Marble Phantasm, she and Altrogue found themselves back in the real world, standing in front of Altrogue's home. Despite her initial surprise, Ibaraki couldn't help but feel impressed with how comfortable and welcoming it felt.
"I still can't believe you live in such an ordinary house," Ibaraki exclaimed, her eyes scanning the room with mild surprise. "I thought you'd live in a more extravagant place, considering your position in True Ancestors."

"Well, I don't like having other True Ancestors over at my place, considering they're all powerful enough to claim ownership of it. So I decided to make it rather conspicuous," Altrogue explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You didn't follow Altrogue's actual route, did you?" Ibaraki asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I've been reincarnated 10 years before the Moon Princess plot started," Altrogue replied matter-of-factly. "And now that you mention it, there's only one year left before the plot begins."

"Well, Fate Stay Night was supposed to start in two years," Ibaraki commented with a smirk on her face. "But since I wrecked the plot, it's going to take a new direction unless it's corrected."

Altrogue couldn't help but feel a sense of absurdity at Ibaraki's confession. The idea that her lover had single-handedly caused significant changes to the Fate Stay Night plot line was almost too much to comprehend.

"I killed Gilgamesh and Kotomine," Ibaraki remarked with a wicked smirk on her face. Her declaration was met with a sudden gasp of air from Altrogue, who looked at her with a mixture of disbelief and absurdness.

"I also killed the Matou's and ended up adopting Sakura," Ibaraki added with a hint of pride in her voice. Altrogue listened to her words with a dawning realization that the person in front of her was not Sofia anymore but had somehow become Ibaraki.

"By the way, I've discarded my true name," Ibaraki added bluntly, watching Altrogue's reaction with a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "You can call me Ibaraki instead, or when I use my other form, Surtr."

The suddenness of the information dump caught Altrogue off-guard, causing her to bite into a frozen apple with a crunch. She tried to recover, but the weight of the situation was clearly taking its toll on her.

"Do True Ancestors eat other things besides fresh meat and blood?" Ibaraki asked, studying Altrogue as she munched on her apple.

Altrogue paused for a moment before responding. "Well, we certainly can eat other things, but fresh meat and blood are our preferred sustenance. However, we also enjoy the taste of other things, and sometimes we indulge in human delicacies just for the experience."

"Want to drink, mine?" Ibaraki asked, presenting her nape to Altrogue. The offer instantly caught Altrogue's attention, causing her to perk up and quickly move to Ibaraki's side.

"Are you sure?" Altrogue asked, excitement simmering beneath her usually calm demeanor.

Ibaraki responded with a small smile, her eyes glinting with the thrill of offering her blood to Altrogue. "Of course. As a True Ancestor, you deserve to experience the taste of fresh blood. And for me, there is no one else that I would rather offer it to."

Without hesitation, Altrogue leaned forward and sunk her fangs into Ibaraki's nape, tasting the rich, metallic flavor of her blood. The sensation was intense, the rush of energy and euphoria almost overwhelming.

As Altrogue drank deeply from Ibaraki's offered nape, she experienced a rush of euphoria unlike any other. To her, the taste of fresh blood was akin to sipping on the most heavenly of wines, and the pleasure it brought her was almost otherworldly.

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