Chapter 66

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As Marisa unexpectedly transformed into a spirit, Ibaraki sprang into action, deftly catching her falling body with a quick reflex. Gazing upon the materialized form of Marisa's spirit, Ibaraki couldn't help but observe that she appeared as if she had simply duplicated herself.

Yukari's interest was piqued as she beheld Marisa's formidable spirit, marveling at the resilience of her soul. Even in her ghostly form, Marisa bore an uncanny resemblance to her living self, a testament to her unyielding spirit.

"Whoa, hold up! Am I really a spirit now, or did Yukari just clone me?" Marisa asked incredulously, her skepticism apparent in her voice. Despite her current form, Marisa didn't feel any different, and she couldn't help but wonder if there was some sort of trickery afoot.

"Don't doubt my abilities, Marisa. Your soul is simply quite extraordinary," Yukari remarked with a confident smile, noting Ibaraki's reaction as she spoke. As she observed Ibaraki looking away from her gaze, Yukari couldn't help but speculate that perhaps Ibaraki had played a role in strengthening Marisa's soul in some way.

"Well, with your soul now stronger than ever before, Marisa, you could easily pass as a heroic servant like myself," Ibaraki noted with a touch of admiration in her voice. Marisa's eyes widened in shock at the revelation, her mind racing with the implications of what Ibaraki had just said.

Marisa's eyes lit up with a mischievous gleam as she considered the possibilities. "So, if my soul is that strong, does that mean I could theoretically make you bear a child?" she quipped, her tone playful yet teasing. It was unclear whether Marisa was serious or simply teasing Ibaraki with her comment.

Marisa's playful comment had caught Ibaraki off guard, causing her to blush furiously. "Wait, what?!" she stammered in embarrassment, her mind suddenly racing with thoughts and scenarios that she had never considered before. The mere notion of motherhood had never crossed her mind, but with the power of magic, anything was possible.

Unconsciously, Ibaraki placed Marisa's body gently on the nearby bench they had created and opened up a parasol to provide some shade. Marisa couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Ibaraki's flustered reaction, finding it amusing how a simple joke could cause such a stir.

Marisa's mischievous joke was met with a surprising response from Ibaraki. "Well, technically, it's impossible for a spirit to bear a child unless the partners use part of their own soul and meld it into one," Ibaraki explained, her voice laced with a hint of knowledge. She knew this information from observing noble mages, who used this technique to keep their bloodlines pure.

"Um, how about we discuss this some other time when there are no threats lurking around?" Ibaraki said shyly, her cheeks still tinged with pink. Marisa was stunned by Ibaraki's response and couldn't help but show a happy expression at the thought of Ibaraki considering the possibility in the future.

Marisa's heart swelled with warmth at Ibaraki's response. She reached out and gently took Ibaraki's hands, bringing them up to her lips as she softly kissed them. Looking up at Ibaraki with a smile, Marisa said, "Sure, I'll take your word for it." The relief in her voice was palpable, and she felt grateful to have such a caring and understanding partner.

Yukari cleared her throat to draw the attention of the two women. "Well, if it's not too much trouble, could you two proceed already?" she asked, sounding slightly exasperated. "I can't leave until I've reverted the boundary, and I'd rather not spend any more time here than necessary," she added with a hint of impatience.

Marisa chuckled lightly and scratched the back of her head in embarrassment. "Ah, sorry, sorry. We just got lost in our own world there for a moment," she said to Yukari, though her tone was unapologetic. It was clear that Marisa wasn't actually sorry about getting sidetracked, but rather enjoying the moment with Ibaraki.

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