Chapter 50

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Ibaraki wakes up in an excellent mood as she completely puts off the flames of desires inside of her thanks to Shuten and Marisa.

But strangely enough, the desire seemed a bit longer to put off than usual.

"Seriously, I blame the one who made the equivalent of desire to flames..."

She muttered helplessly. There were two ways to trigger her flames: anger or Passion, if not for her Madness Enhancement, she doubted she could trigger her flames so easily.

That's why in her past life she needed to be hit first, so her flames could trigger; it's a downside of her ability, but her flames could go to the fourth phase of matter, which is plasma.

Normal ability about flames can't reach that phase. Such a simple restriction could ignore if you have an IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder) or you could hold grudges.

She is very good with the latter. Ibaraki looks at Marisa and Shuten, who are sleeping; she kisses them and then turns into a wisp of flames.

At the doorway, the flames gathered and became humanoid again.

"Well, might as well cook the leftover food into something new"

She hums as she goes into the kitchen and opens the cupboard to retrieve all the food.

"I'll probably make the Moonshake, I'll chop up the duck into small pieces and make it sweet and sour, and some stir-fry noodles with nuts and lotus roots for garnish"


*Knock* *knock* *knock*

Hearing that sound coming from the door, she comes closer to the door, and her nose caught the familiar scent of a bird; she opens the door and looks at her guest.

"What do you want, Aya?"

She welcomed the guest like she welcomed the IRS.

"Don't be so cold Ibaraki~ I heard that Marisa went and fight the princess of the moon. I wanted to interview her"

She enthusiastically said it with brimming energy, making Ibaraki roll her eyes.

She clutched the door, intending to hold it, and Aya panicked.

"Okay-okay! In truth, I smell something good so I'm here to see it but also I might as well interview Marisa!"

Aya tried to whistle her way in, but Ibaraki stood like a wall, seeing she couldn't do anything; she decided to be honest.

"I decided to see you since I didn't see you for weeks"

Aya shyly said her intentions while trying her best not to blush, seeing that Ibaraki sighed as she was busy making clothes for the festival. She cooped up in the store.

"Come in. If you decided to be honest in the first place, you should be inside by now"

Ibaraki considered Aya a friend who messes around too much; she is a quite simple-minded person whose grind focuses on gossip and writing nonsense.

"Help me retrieve the food and rice from the kitchen and put them on the table because I'm going to wake them up"


Ibaraki walks towards the bedroom and looks at the two people who were still sleeping peacefully.

Ibaraki gently nudges Shuten to wake her up.

"Hmm... good morning..."

Shuten said it in a raspy voice that sounded like she screamed so much yesterday.

Becoming an Oni in this land of illusionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz