Chapter 43

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A brand-new day has started, and the mysterious mist has once scattered, gathering all kinds of people for this feast

Ibaraki and Shuten are excited for battles to ensue, so they have snacks and even a large cup of cola courtesy of Shuten's pantry

"I wonder who is the first one who will fight?"

Shuten's asked as she saw people that looked strong waiting for someone to make the first move

"I want to join..."

Ibaraki said tiredly as she tried her best to restrain her competitive side by eating snacks

"But... I don't know how strong they are, and I am not good against magic and stuff"

Ibaraki said sadly since she is completely immune to fire magic and physical attacks, but other magic will surely hurt her

"Aren't you the one who attacks a group of mages once?"

Shuten remarked as she's doubting that's the true reason why Ibaraki didn't fight like she used to

Ibaraki sighed and looked at Shuten directly in the eyes

"I am afraid of dying... no, it's more accurate to say that I am afraid of not seeing you again"

Shuten hugs Ibaraki tightly

"I promise that whatever happens, I will be at your side, didn't I?"

Ibaraki smiles as she gets rid of her negative thoughts

"Thanks... I wanted to fight the samurai girl since I wanted to cross swords with her"

Shuten smiles mysteriously after seeing that Ibaraki loudly retorted


As she summons her bone sword and toward the silver-haired girl near the cherry tree

Shuten smiled and said, "So she is the bone of her sword," because she thought it was a good joke

The silver-haired swordswoman that is relaxing near the tree as she helplessly looks at her mistress who keep eating snacks left and right without stopping

Suddenly, she felt something was wrong and drew her sword, but a bigger sword appeared in front of her and knocked hers out of her hand

Youmu looked at the perpetrator as she looks at something she has never seen before

"What are you?"

She asked while being wary at the girl in front of her

"What?! You have never seen an Oni before?"

Ibaraki is surprised seeing a ghost, doesn't know what Oni is since they are they came from hell from her understanding

"Why did you Attack me?"

Youmu asked angrily since they didn't have met yet she got attack suddenly

"Is that sword for decoration? Fight me!"

Ibaraki thrust her sword as Youmu hurriedly takes out a larger sword as they clash making the sound of metal resounded through the surroundings.

"That's more like it!!!"

Ibaraki's body emits faint heat but the more they crossed their swords the heat is getting stronger and stronger

Youmu is certainly fast with her counterattacks, but Ibaraki uses flame to destroy Youmu's Rhythm and making sure that she can't catch a break whenever they clash

Youmu can be seen struggling to breath since the air near Ibaraki is dry and hot and she can't disengage because Ibaraki would always be near her, and she can't shake her off

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