Chapter 34

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"What do you mean?"

Marisa asked confusingly towards me and I can't blame her since I've told Ibaraki's background not mine

"There are things that must have been kept in secret, and it depends on when the liar reveals the truth..."

"Though I didn't lie, I didn't say the whole truth either... and I figure this is the time when I am telling you the whole thing"

because Stella is with me right now, and I figured even I mess up, she could salvage the situation somehow

"Also, I'm sorry for ignoring you, Patchouli-san..."

Argh...! Why are suffixes so awkward to say!

"It's fine, you two need to have a deep talk anyway, I will continue to read books just lower your voices"

she lazily dismissed the awkwardness and walk towards her desk... probably


I just thanked her awkwardly since I do not know how to act towards an unfamiliar person

"I'll return the books as promised!"

I looked at Marisa quite surprised... since she normally won't return the things she 'borrow's', so I look at her intend to get an answer from her, but she seemed shy and hide her face from me...

I see so that how it was... I guess for my sake, she return the things she 'borrowed', I am an idiot if I let her go.

"Marisa, thank you..."

"Why are you thanking me? It's normal to help the person that I love, isn't it?"

She spoke confusedly despite it, her words wraps my heart in warmth making me quite happy


Shuten clears her throat and made me lose my daydream

"Shuten, you are ruining the moment"

"We should go to the main point, aren't we Ibaraki?"

Well, she had a point... so I took a deep breath and spoke hesitantly

"Marisa I'm going to tell you what is my whole past... so I can't blame you if you see me in a different light"

"Nonsense! No matter what is your past, I will still love you!"

She said it confidently and cheerfully like her previous sad face didn't exist

I sat down beside her and Stella besides me, but Marisa decided to sit between me and Stella, making Stella somewhat irked

But I decided to start before a fight will emerged

"it may sound absurd, but do you believe in reincarnation?"

"Of course, in fact, Akyuu from the village is the ninth reincarnation of herself"

Well... I can't say I'm surprised anymore.

"You could say that I and Shuten is a reincarnation too..."

"Does that mean you are married in the past?"

She asked worryingly towards me

"nope, in fact she refused several attempts of me pursuing her"

she suddenly had a big smile and a smug face and cling towards me while Stella had a regretful face while being annoyed at Marisa

seriously, what did Stella told her?

"Oh my... the one who boast is actually faking it? Who would've thought that it's a lie~"

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