Marisa and Shuten arrived, supporting the wounded Altrogue, who bore the marks of a fierce battle. They recounted how Altrogue, displaying her remarkable strength, had single-handedly decimated a stronghold, impressing everyone with her prowess. Now, with their forces combined, they proposed a coordinated assault on another stronghold, aiming to take them down one by one.

The atmosphere became charged with anticipation as the group realized the significance of their united front. They understood that by working together and pooling their strengths and strategies, they stood a greater chance of overcoming the formidable challenges ahead. Determination gleamed in their eyes, knowing that the fate of the holy grail war hinged on their ability to destroy each stronghold, one by one until victory was within their grasp.

"It is indeed a plausible plan," Ibaraki spoke with a hint of passivity in her voice. She understood the gravity of the situation they were facing. The enemies they would encounter in the remaining strongholds were bound to be even more formidable than those they had already defeated. Ibaraki herself had proven to be a force to be reckoned with, wielding her Immortal Flame to cut short the lives of those powerful individuals. However, she was aware that the adversaries awaiting them would not be easily overcome.

Yukari turned her gaze towards Ibaraki, her expression filled with curiosity and anticipation. She eagerly awaited the rundown of the adversaries they were about to face, hoping to gain some insight into their names and abilities. The room fell silent as Ibaraki wiped her mouth clean, ready to share her knowledge.

Yukari listened attentively as Ibaraki listed the names and abilities of the adversaries. Her excitement waned slightly as she realized Ibaraki was improvising, but she couldn't help but chuckle at her lover's playful nature. It was just like Ibaraki to come up with whimsical names on the spot.

"Zephyrus, the Regenerator and Berserker, huh?" Yukari mused, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Sylvari with her ability to Split and Delay attacks, and Luminara, the Piercer of Light. It seems we have quite the diverse array of opponents."

"Then we have Zephyrus again, but this time as the Wind Rider and Dancer," Yukari continued, her voice filled with amusement. "Darius, the wielder of Mystic Eyes and the Weightless, and Frostbite, the master of Frost and Amplification."

Though the names may have been conjured on the spot, Yukari appreciated Ibaraki's effort to make the rundown more engaging. It added a touch of whimsy to their dire situation, reminding them not to take everything too seriously. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Yukari leaned in closer to Ibaraki.

Yukari couldn't help but chuckle at Ibaraki's flustered response. She knew her lover well and understood that remembering the exact names of the enemies wasn't Ibaraki's strong suit. Teasing her playfully, Yukari leaned closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Two Zephyrus, huh?" Yukari quipped a playful tone in her voice. "Well, I suppose they must have thought highly of the name to use it twice. It seems they were quite taken by the wind's allure."

Ibaraki's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, realizing her mistake. She fidgeted slightly, feeling sheepish for not recalling the names accurately. However, Yukari's reassuring words eased her worry.

"Don't fret, Ibaraki," Yukari reassured her with a warm smile. "You've proven your strength against them, and that's what truly matters. They may have had a so-so battle with you, but we know you're capable of more."

Yukari nodded, understanding Ibaraki's sentiments. Mundane battles, as they were, often left little impression on the memory. It was the extraordinary, the awe-inspiring, and the horrifying encounters that tended to etch themselves deeply into one's mind.

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