You and Him Break Up Part 2

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Dean: his p.o.v
I woke up and roll over expecting to see (Y/N)'s beautiful face. But it wasn't, it was Lisa, wait WTF?! I push her out of the bed she Landed on the floor with a thump.

"What THE HELL DEAN" she shouts jumping up and staring at me.
"Why are you in my bed?! Where's (Y/n)?" I respond
"Oh that little tramp, you broke up with her for me remember" she says sitting down beside me running her hand up and down my arm.
"STOP, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I shout jumping out of the bed away from her.
"Me, oh nothing it was all you babe" she says with a sick smirk on her lips.
"Get out" I say
"What?" She responds wide eyed
"Get the FÛCK out" I shout at her. She rolls her eyes and stands she turns when she gets to the door.
"Good luck getting her back, she's in the ICU, she's in critical condition " Lisa says turning back to the door and leaving.

What! I run to my car and reve the engine, I drive to the hospital and stop when I see her, she was lying with an i.v hooked up to her sam say by her side holding her hand. I rush in and he looks at me.

"You really messed up this time Dean" he says and my heart stops.

*time skip brought to you by.....Sam's elegant hair*

your p.o.v
It was dark. I stood before death himself he looked at me and said
"It's your choice, stay or go, whatever you choose"
"Why are you giving me a choice?" I ask
"After what you and your boys have done you deserve it" he smiles kindly at me.
"I...I'll stay" I breath out.
"Are you sure?" He asks
"Even with Dean and Lisa"
even though Dean and I are over I just can't leave sam and bobby.
Death steeps towards me and places two fingers on my forehead,

"this was your choice remember that." He says and I close my eyes.

All of a sudden I'm in a white room beeping machines and an i.v are hooked up to me. I look over and see Dean sitting there holding my hand crying, then it hits me, why I was in that car in the first place, why I was here why I hated him and Lisa.

I pull my hand from his grasp, he looks up with sad eyes and I just look at him in distane.

"(Y/n) before you go kicking me out, I love you, I'm so so so so so very sorry, I don't know what happend or why I did those thing to you, I understand if you don't love me back, but please pleas just know that I do ok" he says tears welling in his eyes
"D-Dean I can't" I couldn't make a coherent sentence.
"You, you broke me, my heart I just can't"
Then he kissed me, that sneaky bastard kissed me, and I can't lie I kissed back. And in that moment I realized I loved this man, this overbearing, smart-assy, cocky son of a bitch.

"Please" he whispered
"Okay" I whisper back.
"Okay" he looks into my eyes I couldn't help myself
"Maybe okay can be our always" he laughed
"Great choice of timing sweetheart" he says
"And that's why you love me" I respond.
"I do, I love you"
"I love you too" I say then he pulls me into another kiss.

Sam: his p.o.v
I open my eyes and feel my wrist tied to a bed post, I look down and see I have no pants on. I look to my left to find Becky staring at me.

"Umm....well...I may or may not have givin you a potion that made you love me, and we may or may not have gotten married" she responds
"WHAT!!! WHERES (Y/n) WHERES MY REAL GIRLFRIEND" i emphasis "real" I feel bad but hey she drugged me. Just then Dean and (y/n) burst through the door.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear" Becky murmurs ( a/n hahahahahaha see what I did there)
"Shut up Becky" I say she looks at me with a sad expression.
"Why don't you have pants on?" Dean and (y/n) say at the same time.
"There confining" Becky blurts out
"What" all 3 of us say in unison.
"Just never mind" she says
"Just untie me" I say, she does and I pull on my pants after there on I go and hug (Y/n) p, but instead of hugging back she just stiffens.

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