The big fight.

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Just doing Sam and Dean for dis one sorry if you love de others

DEAN: you were sitting at the table in the bunker waiting for Dean to come home from a hunt.
You hear a crash and jump up gun at the ready.

"(Y/n)" he slurs out, he must have been drinking.

"Dean, baby you ok?" You say steading him.

"Mmhum, never better, just sleet with a really hot chick." he says, you look at him shocked


"Yeah, she's better looking then (y/n), but shhh don't tell her that." He says falling into a chair.

"Really.." You choke out

"Yeah, she's way better" he slurs reaching for the whiskey

"Well if she's so much better, I hope you enjoy her company more then MINE!" You shout, he looks at you bewildered

"(Y/n), babe what are you talking about" he say

"Oh I don't know mabe the fact that you are A CHEATING BASTERD" I scream


"No Dean, no! I'm done with you, I'm done WITH US!" I run out of the bunker an drive away.

'How could he' I think 'I loved him, how could he' tears streamed down my cheeks my phone keept going off I ignored it. 'This is it Dean Winchester' you think and just keep driving.

SAM: you were sitting in a tree out side the bunker. Sam was late coming home and you didn't know why. You hear the impalas engine and hop down and lean against the tree causally.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing out in the cold?" He asks stepping out of the impala.

"Waiting for you"

"Well, you shouldn't have"

"Oh and whys that." You ask placing a hand on your hip.

"Because I'm not a child"

"Never said you were" anger was bubbling up in you.


"W-wait WHAT!"

"oh like you didn't know" he says turning away

"NO SAM I DIDNT KNOW!" You heart was breaking.

He looks up at you, then he realized what he said.


"NO SAM JUST DONT" you run inside past Dean to you shared room with sam, you grab you emergency bag and turn to see a tearful sam.

"Baby please" he whispers

"no Sam I can't do it anymore, I love you but I can't" you reply and push past him.

"WAIT DONT GO" he shouts after you, but you were already gone.

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