You hit him

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trigger warning: strong language, violence
DEAN: he was drunk and tryin to get with another girl, you were pissed so you walked up to him spilled your drink on the girl and you punched Dean square in the jaw.
"YOU ASS HAT" you scream and storm out.
"Babe, that hurt" he says running after you.
"Go complain to that whore face" you say storming away
"What?" He says stopping
"I GET CONFUSED WHEN IM ANGERY" you yell stopping as well
"Baby, please I'm sorry" he whines and comes up behind you wrapping his strong arms around your waist.
"Please forgive me" he whispers in your ear, leaving kisses down your neck.
"Ugh,, fine just don't do it again" you say turning around.
He kisses you and you guys go home.

SAM: you were in the library, and he snuck up behind you.
"BOO!" He yelled and you turned around and smacked him with your book. And it wasn't a small on ethier.
"SON OF A BITCH" he yelled holding his nose blood slowly trickling down his face.
"Oh babe, I-I'm so s-sorry" you say trying to hold in your giggles.
"It's payback from dropping a pot on my head" you say smirking.
"C'mere moose and let me see" you say and he reluctantly moves his hands away.
"It's not broken so that's a plus"
"I hurts like hell though"
"Ha, and you would know" you reply giggling at you joke.
"You'll have to pay me back for this" he says smirking.
"Mm hmmm, keep it in you pants lover boy I'm not kissing you like that" you say sauntering away.

CASTIEL: "(y/n),please listen to me" Cas pleaded but you weren't listening
"(Y/N), you being really irrational and stupid" you spun around and smacked him. He looked at you in shook lifting his hand up to his now red cheek.
"GOD, YOUR SO SO SO" you failed to come up with a word.
"(Y/n), I'm sorry" he said trying to pull you into a hug.
"NO CAS DONT TOUCH ME!!!" You shout pushing him away only to have him back at your side trying and wining this time for a hug.
"I'm so sorry honey" he whispers
"You better be"

BALTHAZAR: *creak* you sat bolt up right *creak*
You run full speed to your kitchen and grab the nearest weapon which was a frying pan.
"OW, BLODDY HELL!?" Balthazar shouts switching on a light
"Bal, oh my are you ok?" You say running to him.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" he says holding his knee
"Babe, oh my god, I'm sorry I though you where a robber."
"And you where gonna take him out at the knees" he says wincing
"Well, yeah if he can't move I don't have to run" you say flatly.
"Makes scence, now come here and help me" he says and you walk over and he drapes and arm around you.
"Remind me to never come home late"
"Sure thing handsome" you say winking and you two go to bed.

MICHEAL: "YOU ARE SUCH A DICK!!" You shout at him
"(Y/n) there is no need for that language" Michael says frowning at you in disappointment.
"Yeah, well I'm not the one who FORGOT our ANAVISERY" you reply sassily.
"Please, stop yelling" he says looking down at one of his papers.
"you know what Michael you can kiss my ASS" you shout. You looks up at you, the look he gave pushed you over the edge and you kicked him In the shin.
"OWWWWW" he howled in pain.
"Humf, now you know how I feel" you say smugly and walk away. And let's just say he never forgot your anavisery ever again.

GABRIEL: you were sitting reading a book when he popped up out of no where.
"Hiya sugar" he said and instincts kicked in and you kicked him right in the jewels. He yelped and fell to the floor.
"Owwww, (Y/N) why DID you Do THAT" he shirked writhing on the floor in pain.
"S-sorry g-gabe" you say trying to contain you laughter.
"You owe me, big time. " he said slowly gettting back up.
"Ø'really" you say cheekily
"Yes really, now come here" he said pulling you up. He leaned down just about to kiss you when you duck and sprit out of his reach.
"Gotta catch me first, NO CHEATING!" You yell and you two run around the house until he finally gets you and you to have some 'fun'.

CROWLEY: "YOU ARROGANT DICK!" You scream at him.
"Love, just calm down" he says cooly
"NO CROWLEY I WILL NOT *fake British accent* 'calm down'" you say using air quotes. You pick up a vase and chuck it at his head not meaning for it to hit him. But it did.
"Shit" you mumble
"What THE HELL!" He shouts
"That was my favourite too" he says and pops up infront of you.
"don't you even DAR-" he cuts you off with a swift kiss and disappears.

LUCIFER: "honey I'm HOME!" He shouts out into the air
"(Y/n)?" He says. You where in the basement throwing knifes because you had a bad day. But luci didn't know that so he popped in right as you let one out of your hand and it went straight into his chest.
"Gughh" he growled and pulled the knife out.
"Oh luci, honey I didn't see, you honest." You say fearing his reaction.
"My little dove, I know but worn a guy before you start throwing shit at him" he chucked and walked over to you.
"Ok, devil" you say wrapping your arms around his neck. He snakes his arms around your torso and kisses you.
"Rough day" he asks
"Me too" he says kissing you again

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