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To my surprise, Sarah asked in the morning if she could meet me after school to ask a couple questions about the psychology essay she was writing. Her topic was women in positions of authority and the psychological impact of it...something very intriguing I thought.

I joked, glancing down at her red painted toenails in beige nylons out of her heels, "Shouldn't you be going to the lake with your friends for the weekend?"

She shrugged, wiggling her toes, "I'm staying home this weekend to test my psychological theory."

"How interesting," I said, curious what kind of testing she planned to do.

As she stood up, sliding her feet back into her heels, which I watched too intensely, she added, her tone ominous, unlike any I had heard from her before, "Oh trust me, it is VERY interesting."

"I can't wait to see where you're going with your theory," I said, expecting a thoughtful paper from her.

"Actually, you are a test case," she added, slipping her foot out of her heel again, as if knowing she was distracting me.

"I am, am I?" I questioned, playfully, curious how I fit into her paper, as I glanced down at her nylon-clad feet.

"Oh, in a big way," she smiled, slipping her foot back into her heel, before saying, in her usual cheerful bubbly manner, "See you after school."

"Sounds good," I added, deciding to text my husband that I may be late and for him to be home when the children arrived home from school.

The rest of the day dragged by, like the last day of school before a break always seems to, students and teachers alike restless and ready for a long weekend away from school.

I was at my desk packing up a few papers to grade over the weekend, although only if the weather ended up keeping us in the house, when Sarah came in. Oddly, she closed the door.

I asked, "So, what can I do for you, Sarah?"

I need you to answer a few questions for me very honestly," she said, sitting at a desk in the front row, directly in front of me.

"I'm an open slate," I smiled, not remotely ready for the questions she was about to ask.

She pulled open a pad of paper and asked, "When was the last time you masturbated?"

"Pardon! Why would you even ask such a question?" I gasped, surprised at the question and embarrassed to admit it was actually at lunch today, while thinking of submitting to her in my classroom. Strangely, many of my fantasies started just like this...alone in my classroom with just a student and me.

"My paper really shifted in focus the more I researched. I know it theoretically isn't appropriate for high school writing, but all my research led me to look into the role of women in authority and the natural role of sexual submission that often correlates with positions of authority," she explained, slipping her stocking-clad feet out of her heels.

"Really?" I asked, hearing her, but staring at her feet.

"Yes, for example, most women in positions of authority at work, like lawyers, doctors and teachers," she continued, stressing the word 'teachers', "look for and crave sexual submission outside of their professional life...needing to let go of the high levels of stress that impact their lives during the work day."

Oddly, her words were definitely true for me. I am very firm and have a reputation as an excellent, no-nonsense teacher who is also compassionate and dedicated to student learning. Yet, at home in the bedroom, I am very submissive to my husband and my writings on Literotica are predominantly stories of submissive women. Still, my response back was to feign denial. "That seems like a rather ludicrous conclusion."

{GxG} Sexy Time Oneshots Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu