𝟔: 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞

Comenzar desde el principio

She succeeded, too, and continued to live as Cruella with the baronesses Dalmations and her own dog.

So, you wondered, if perhaps this Divus Crewel was as bad as the original.

Or perhaps, he was more like the more recent Cruella.

Either way, you suppose you would have to wait.

" Now, take your seats. Class is about to begin. We're going to start with the basics. And by that, i mean beating the names and distinguishing characteristics of one hundred herbs and poisons into your tiny brains. " he grinned, eyes darkening.

" The mycelia are another matter. But eventually, I'm hoping you'll be able to take a walk without putting anything poisonous into your gaping maws. For now, I realize you have all the self-control of voracious hounds. But I will not abide a single student failing this class. Expect to be drilled accordingly. "

Deuce hummed, adjusting his red goggles to be more comfortable as he looked at you, Ace and Grim. " Huh. So, does anyone know what a mycelium is? " he asked, confused.

Ace shrugged. " I've never been one for like, memorizing what things are, ya know? "

Grim huffed, crossing his arms as he strayed away from you, sitting on the edge of the table. " All I care about is how to tell the yummy plants from the yucky ones. "

You silently rolled your eyes as you smiled at the boys. " Mycelia, otherwise known as Mycelium, is the vegetative part of a fungus. They're white, fuzzy lines, basically," you explained.

Cue a collective " Oooooh "

Ace groaned, reaching a hand up to mess with his collar.

You watched silently.


Next, was the History of Magic-- something you were actually quite interested in, seeing as you knew little to nothing about this world.

So, it was pretty important you paid attention here.

In front of you was a man, old, with gray and white hair. He was dressed in red, gold, and white, accompanied by a beautiful green gem in the middle of his neck tie. In his arms sat a lovely black and white cat with beautiful yellow eyes.

You think you knew who this was.

" I am your History of Magic teacher, Mozus Trein. And this is my familiar, Lucius," he spoke, a monotone voice catching your attention as he gestured to the lazy cat.

Ah, yes, he was based on the famous Lady Tremaine, stepmother to the wonderful tale of Cinderella.

A woman who married a man for riches, accompanied by her two spoiled daughters. When Cinderella's father died, Lady Tremaine basically threw Cinderella away to become her and her daughter's scullery maid-- as she, herself, had once been.

You remember reading once, that Lady Tremaine was inspired by Queen Grimhilde and her story with Snow-White, which you could definitely see-- what with the Evil stepmother trope they both had.

" You are here to learn the rich history of magic, and how it has sculpted the world which you now so easily take for granted," he spoke calmly. Soon after Lucius meowed.

" I grade based on classroom behavior as well as the quality of work. Don't let me catch you sleeping. Now, let us open our books to page fifteen. " he set Lucius gently down on the floor, opening his own book as a demonstration.

Another meow.

" As knowledge and awareness of magical energy began to spread across the globe from this point, this year is considered Year One of the Magic Era. "

𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 :: 𝐓𝐖𝐒𝐓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora