Prince - Eddie, himself

Michael spanked Prince's butt hard and Prince say

Prince - Michael that hurts

Michael starts to move in Prince and say

Michael - That is what you get for believing that liar and asking me about it

Prince - He said you had sex with him and you will come to me to remove your guilty feeling

Michael - He was pleasuring himself with my name so I slept with Janet in her room. Oh fuck you feel great. I really missed this so much

Prince - Me too.... Harder Michael... Aaahhh.. Faster Mikey. Do not stop until you cum in me Mike

Michael - I have no intention to stop at all

Prince touches his penis and starts to stroke his penis while biting his lips. Few minutes later, Michael say

Michael - Princey I am going to cum in you

Prince - Yes Mikey cum in me

Michael started to go faster in Prince and they both moans in pleasure and cums. They both breath heavily and Prince say

Prince - Shit you are really unpredictable

Michael - Why do you say that?

Prince - Sometimes you surprise me with your nature

Michael slowly comes out of Prince and starts to clean him and say

Michael - I am sorry if I hurt you alot

Prince - I really loved it if I should say the truth

Michael - Next time believe someone's lies about me, I will teach you a lesson you will never forget

Prince - Need some help with your buddy? (seeing Michael's penis while biting his lips)

Michael - You leave, I will join you in few minutes

Prince - You are unbelievable sometimes at times like this

Michael - Stop complaining and go back to the store and work

Prince - I will take care of you later

Prince went back to his work. Few minutes later, Michael went back to the store to do this work. At one of the break time, Prince see Micheal was thinking about something and Prince ask

Prince - What are you thinking babe?

Michael - I don't know how am I going to prove my innocent (worried tone)

Prince - Don't worry about it that, I will take care of those things

Michael - Don't talk rubbish, will you worry about your exams or me

Prince - I already did something if it works out as planned, you will be proved innocent in no time

Michael - What have you planned? (seeing Prince)

Prince - You will know when the truth comes out.... Now forget about all this and let us have some fun with others

An hour and half hour later, Eddie enter the store with some of his co workers. Eddie say

Eddie - I will get the sugary things

Eddie's co worker 1 - I will get the sodas

Eddie's co workers 2 and 3 - Then we will get the snacks

Eddie's co workers 4 and 5 - We will check if we can find our stuffs here

Eddie - Ok see you all at the check out

They separated their ways to find what they want. In chewing gums rack, Eddie see Prince arranging bubble gums. Eddie ask

Eddie - Hello Prince, did anything happen in between you and your cheater boyfriend? (teasingly)

Prince - Yeah, we had a great sex while we talked about your shitty craps. Eddie understand one thing, I and Michael trust each other blindly and keep your dirty games to yourself or play it with someone else who believes your lies.

Eddie - Don't act or talk smart to me because I am your customer, just remember that I can get you fired in no time

Prince - Oh I'm so scared of you. (fake scared) Mind your own business and we will mind ours

Suddenly Eddie heard his co worker calling so Eddie wantedly knocked off the bubble gum rack after taking what he wanted. Eddie say

Eddie - Enjoy working loser

Prince rolls his eyes and starts to rearrange the rack. The next day at afternoon, in the Jackson house, Michael was sitting in his room and reading for the exams. Joe was reading the newspaper 📰 while having coffee ☕ and Kate was reading a magazine while having tea 🍵. Suddenly the telephone rings and Katherine attended the call and say

Kate - Yes, we are coming there as soon as possible

Kate ended the call and sighs heavily. Joseph ask

Joe - Who called? (without seeing her)

Kate - We have to go to school immediately (seriously)


Will the get solved? Did Prince and his friends find the exam paper sealers? Will Michael will be proved innocent and can he write the exams again or will he be expelled from the school? Will Joseph and Michael will talk again face to face?


Sorry for the spelling mistakes, grammar and typing errors

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