:𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞

Start from the beginning

My breathing turned shallow and my chest constricted. Mafia?

"Breathe baby. Breathe" he instructs gently cupping my cheeks.

"Y—You're in the Mafia?"

"I am the Mafia baby"

"Nyx why the fuck would you keep something like this from me!" I choked out.

"Because you wouldn't even spare a glance in my direction if you knew. We wouldn't be where we are now if I said something sooner, because I knew you'd keep your distance constantly fearing and wondering if you'll live to see the next day and it'd be fucking selfish of me to beg you stay"

I lightly thumped my fist against his chest, "that's not your decision to make. You don't have the right to think for me. You were being selfish from the start by not telling me. If someone truly likes you they're willing to be with you not for what you do but because of who you are."

Fuck. I think I might've told him that I liked him.

"I've learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you're with me, even when you're not by my side. The truth is I like you. A lot. More than I've liked anyone for a long time. And to be honest, it kinda scares me. I don't want to screw up what we have, whatever it is, and I've fallen pretty damn hard for you. I just hope that whatever happens we don't ruin what we had before all this happened."

My heart quaked, I'm pretty sure I even stopped breathing and moving altogether. Nyx liked me. This fine specimen of a man fucking like boring me?

"Remi. I know it's sudden to put my feelings on you but I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut. I don't know how much more I can take without telling you I fucking like you. It's you. You are my fucking person."

Tears poured from my eyes, I never thought I'd hear those words from Nyx's lips. And I was so damn happy right now that I made the decision to come back.

"I really fucking like you too Nyx" I whispered the space between us disappears and our lips finally touch. The kiss was light, sweet, tender, caressing, demanding, and fiery hot all at once. Euphoric. That's how it feels. His lips swallowed me whole, moving gently against mine, exploring my mouth tenderly. My hands weaved into his hair benignly tugging at the strands, his velvet tongue brushed against mine, every stroke and tugging at things buried deep inside me. My body quivers as I melted against him.

Pulling his head back I was given the opportunity to breathe. Leaning in he pecks my lips no longer fighting that beautiful dimpled smile of his.

"I like you" he murmurs dipping his head into the curve of my neck peppering my skin with butterfly kisses.

"I like you too Nyx"

"So everything's cool between you and Nyx now?"

I nodded staring down at my freshly painted nails which Nyx had paid for them to get done.

"You know he's..."

"Yeah. I know he's in the mafia" I finished for her, casting my eyes to the jar of pickles which was almost empty.

"Pickles?" I questioned knowing how much Mel and I both despised them.

She nods. "I've been eating these fucking things for sometime now. I thought I hated them but I guess I don't anymore"

There's no way...

I glanced down at her stomach. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary because Mel alway had been a little pudgy around the stomach area but there's a little more fat than what I'm used to—or was used to.

If she's pregnant...then that means the baby could possibly be in danger because of her little drinking fest on Saturday.

"Uh...Mel do you mind following me to the clinic?"

"Sure thing. You gonna get some birth control pills?" She questions getting to her feet.

"Uh...something like that. When was the last time you had your period?"

She shrugged, biting into a pickle, "I dunno sometime ago?"

I shook my head, it couldn't be more obvious than that.

Leaving the house we made our way to the clinic making a quick stop to get Mel and I Chick-fil-A.

"I don't get why I gotta do these damn tests. I told you I'm perfectly healthy" my best friend grumbles waiting for the doctor to arrive again.

"I'm just making sure"

"Making sure of what?"

That you're not pregnant and that's it's just my imagination. I almost blurted out.

Remaining silent Mel glares at me. The doctor returns with a beaming simple and that alone confirmed my suspicion.

"Congratulations Miss.Sage your twelve weeks pregnant"

I fucking knew it.

"Ha! I knew I was right!" I shouted frightening both Mel and the doctor who raised a questioning brow. "S—Sorry" I sheepishly apologized, reclaiming my seat.


"Dr.Morgan" he quickly stated his smile still intact.

"Dr.Morgan I can't be pregnant" Mel stressed.

"Well your urinary test says otherwise. Now I'd like for you to stop drinking, it's not good for you or the baby. If you like, I could set up a date for you to come in sometime next week for an ultrasound. But that's totally up to you though I do recommend you doing so just to be on the safe side"

Mel sat still no doubt still shocked by the news. I knew this was a lot for her to process because she  hated kids and now she's having one. Even I didn't have the slightest clue as to what exactly she's thinking right now.

"We'd like that thank you" I piped in.

"And you are?"

"Oh I'm the best friend. I'm filling in for the father today"

"Oh that's nice of you. Did you suffer from any morning sickness?"

Mel numbly shakes her head no.

"Well that happens. Some mothers get it later on in their pregnancy. I'll get your prescriptions for prenatal vitamins and something to help with the morning sickness when or if it comes. Congratulations again"

"Thank you" I called after him.

"I'm fucked" Mel finally speaks.

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