Chapter 10

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Makin' a movie on the couch with a flip phone,
Just like you, like I,
Like fingers in your mouth,
Up on the sun,
Playing drums with a bleached bone,
Just like you, like me,
Like everybody else

- Harlem, New Politics

c h a p t e r 1 0 : n i c o

(Warning: Attempt of suicide, strong feels contained in this chapter)

Tears streamed along the boys ashen face as he trudged through Camp Half-Blood with a limp, lifeless body. Will Solace's body. Campers were unaware of Nico's circumstance until Jason noticed Nico's presence. He waved effortlessly when Nico stumbled from the sobbing causing Jason to dash from his former actions. A gasp escaped his mouth when Will's pale body came into view. Jason was followed by the Stolls, Piper, and Jason's sister Thalia who must have been visiting. Nico screeched weeps as he laid himself over the dead figure. The blood from the wound had dried while Nico shadow traveled them.

Normally conjuring that much dust required an incredible amount of energy, but it was Will. he was worth anything. Nico and Will has just had their first kiss, and here he was, draped over Will's body. Another blood curling scream erupted from Nico's lungs, by now everyone had gathered to either begin grieving or choking sobs. That's why I should have died, Nico thought, because people cared about Will and people loved him... no one would have cared about me.

The stomping of hooves echoed until they paused in front of Will's figure. Nico lifted his head to meet eyes Chiron who was faking an expression. He was dying internally. He'd lost too many campers to monsters or quests. No one deserved this life, let alone this death.

"Hannah," Chiron's voice was jagged, "will you please escort Will Solace's body to the infirmary to run some final tests. Then please inform his mother along with the campers in your cabin. His dedication will be held tonight. Anyone who wishes to speak for this loss, may feel free. Dismissed."

Heart pounding, Hannah approached and attempted to lift Will's body when Nico clawed for him back. "No! He's mine! Leave him be!" hopeless tears flooded from the Italian's face.

"Nico, I must take him. It's my orders." Hannah attempted once again, this time successful when one of her brothers aided in carrying his body.

Jason leaned over to place a hand on the son of Hades. Nico nudged him off then stomped back to the Hades cabin. Jason didn't follow but raced in the opposite direction to gather with the crowd searching for Piper. The Italian sighed as he slumped against the door of his cabin when he let it all out.

Tears after tears crashed against his face. He'd already lost Bianca, now he lost Will. Was there anything more dreadful that could possibly happen to him? Was this what complete loss felt like? Why couldn't he just die? Nico pushed from the floorboard then started hacking aft his walls with punches and kicks.

Grunts and groans came from his frustration and energy except he continued. Blood was flowing from his knuckles as blisters formed as well as dents in the wall. Why did he let this happen? It was all his fault. If he hadn't have taken off because he was a coward Will Solace would be alive. Perhaps even his. Now if mother will never be able to see him again, his siblings, or his friends. The world would be better off if they didn't have screw-ups like Nico waltzing around. After all, he was the reason that everyone had to go and save him months earlier.

Your always in the way.

Who do you think you are?

Perhaps it's all been his fault.

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