As she spoke, the gravity of their task became increasingly apparent. The participants understood that the fate of not only their own lives but also the very fabric of existence hung in the balance. Each location they destroyed would bring them one step closer to closing this boundary forever, sealing away the encroaching darkness.

Yukari's words took on a more uplifting tone as she continued, a glimmer of optimism shining through. "Once the Ruler servant is liberated and the boundary is sealed, the holy grail—imbued with the essence of a true god—will grant each of you the opportunity to make a wish. Seven wishes, representing the hopes and desires of those who have fought valiantly in this war."

Her smile radiated a sense of reassurance, an acknowledgment that the challenges ahead were formidable but not insurmountable. It was a reminder that amidst the trials and sacrifices, a reward of immeasurable significance awaited those who persevered.

"The journey that lies before you will test your mettle, your resolve, and the bonds you forge with your faithful servants," Yukari continued, her voice imbued with a quiet intensity. "You must harness your unique abilities, strategize meticulously, and rise above your limitations to overcome the adversities that stand in your path. Together, as a united force, you can defy the odds and shape the destiny of this world."

"What you propose is nothing short of madness!" Rin exclaimed, her voice resonating with a mix of defiance and incredulity. "To face thousands of enemies, to challenge the forces of darkness that outnumber us exponentially... It is an impossible task, a fool's errand!"

Rin's voice reverberated with disbelief and frustration, her words laced with a touch of anger. The weight of the monumental task ahead bore down upon her, and the sheer magnitude of the challenge seemed insurmountable. The idea of triumphing against a multitude of adversaries, each one a formidable force in their own right, appeared to be an unfathomable feat.

Archer, too, shared in the sentiment, his eyes narrowing as he contemplated the situation. The realization that their presence in this timeline did not trigger the intervention of the Counter Force only served to deepen the mystery and heighten their trepidation. It was as if the very fabric of cause and effect had been manipulated, presenting them with a daunting task that defied the established rules.

"Correction, 2 million," she said, her voice laced with an undeniable mischievousness. Her words reverberated through the gathering, causing a ripple of uncertainty to sweep through the assembled warriors. A sense of disbelief mingled with growing unease as they grappled with the staggering scale of the challenge ahead.

Two million enemies. The number hung in the air, casting a shadow of doubt and apprehension upon the participants. The confident smirks that had adorned the faces of Marisa, Altrogue, and Shuten wavered slightly, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. What they had initially perceived as a simple task now loomed before them as an immense undertaking.

Yet, amidst the growing doubts and apprehension, there was also a glimmer of excitement—a spark of eagerness within the hearts of those who craved a true test of their abilities. For Marisa, Altrogue, and Shuten, the prospect of facing such overwhelming odds seemed like an exhilarating adventure. It was an opportunity to showcase their prowess, to push their limits beyond what they had ever imagined.

However, for the other participants, the gravity of the situation began to sink in. The immense scale of the challenge, and the sheer number of adversaries, threatened to engulf them in a wave of doubt and trepidation. Could they truly overcome such insurmountable odds? Would their combined strength be enough to weather the storm that awaited them?

Amidst the swirling emotions, Yukari's sly smile remained, hinting at secrets and hidden agendas. Her unflinching confidence and enigmatic demeanor added an extra layer of intrigue to the already daunting task at hand. It became evident that there was more to this Holy Grail War than met the eye, and the participants would need to navigate the labyrinthine depths of this battle with both caution and courage.

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