Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning, extremely tired. Mark had already woke up and was not in bed. I layed there for about 5 minutes, I forgot what happened the day before in this time. I got up and went to the washroom and as I was washing my hands, I remembered what happened. I finished and then walked into our room and looked at the alarm clock on the table beside the bed. It was 2:06pm! I remembered the I had made with Michael. I rushed to get dress, I ran into the kitchen where Mark was sitting at the table eating a bagel.

"We need to go to Starbucks, now!"

He looked up at me,"why?" he said, confused.

There wasnt any time for small talk, so I grabbed him and pulled him outside to his car. He sat in the drivers seat and started the car while I headed for the passenger side. I sat in and gestured for him to go while I put the seatbelt on.

Mark put his arm over the back of my seat and started backing out of the driveway.

"Why do we need to go so bad?", He asked.

"You were supposed to meet your fan,at 2:00!"

"Autumn! It's 2:17! Why are we just going now?!", He sounded frustrated with me.

"Because I slept in!" I don't know how it happened, I never sleep in any other time.

"I'd say! He might be gone already and is thinking that I don't care enough to show up!" He sounded upset, I could almost see him tearing up.

"I'm sorry, Mark. I wasnt planning on sleeping in."

We were slient for the rest of the way there. When we got there Mark still didn't talk to me, it was almost unbearable. Mark walking into starbucks and I followed, I looked around and I seen hidden in a booth in the corner of the shop was what seemed to be Mark's biggest fan looking out the window beside him. He was wearing a Markiplier Tee and he had a Markiplier fake tattoo on his both his cheeks.

"Do you see him?" Mark asked, anxiously.

"Yeah! He's right over here, follow me." I walked over to the booth Michael was sitting in. I sat across from him and Mark sat right beside him. All of a sudden a wave seemed to have gone over him as he realized that Markiplier was sitting right next to him.

He smiled really wide and said "Hey Mark! It's, uh, so nice to finally meet you!" He was practically pro rapping because he was speaking so fast.

Mark got out of the booth and stuck his arms out, "Give uncle Markiplier a hug!" I chuckled to myself.

"Well! Of course!" Michael stood out of the booth and gave Mark a hug, it was the nicest thing I had ever seen!

"It is so nice to meet you, Mike, can I call you Mike?" Mark asked with a smile

"Well if that's what y-" Mark interrupted him mid sentence,"I'm just playing, it's nice to meet you Michael!

Wide smiles all around! Everyone was happy! Mark seemed the happiest though, he cares so much about his fans that when he meets them he just brightens up so much! They both sat back in the booth and Mark said "Well! Let's order, my treat! ", Mark said, excitedly.

" Mark, I don't have a problem buying my own, you don't have to do that!

"No! I insist, it's the least I could do for being late!" Mark looked at me and I just looked down with a smirk on my face. 

Mark bought us all a donut and a Mochacchino and Mark and Michael just sat there for 2 hours talking. We were getting ready to leave but then all of a sudden a girl walked up to Mark and said, 

"Mark? Markiplier!?" She smiled and said "Mark! It is you! Oh my god, I wasn't sure looking in the window whether my eyes were playing tricks or not.", She chuckled "My name is Makayla!" She stuck her hand out to give Mark a hand shake. Mark looked down at her hand and then back at her face. He made a questioning look and then hugged her. She started to cry and then Mark asked her,

"Why are you crying, lovecakes?" He said 'lovecakes' to try to make her laugh, which she did, she also looked a little red.

"Well, it's just not very often you get to meet your hero." She said amist sniffs.

" No, Makayla," Mark looked at Michael, "and Michael" then he looked back at Makayla, 

"You guys are both MY hero. Don't you ever forget that." 


Hope you guys like the Update, sorry I'm not doing it much. After the 15th chapter it might be awhile, since I already have up to 15 done and written. They just need to be copied and pasted into wattpad and edited :)

P.s. Let me know if you like or dislike me making the words that are spoken into italics (yanno, the slanted writing :P ) If thats even the right word

Anyways, thanks again! :D

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