Chapter 33

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Marcia's POV
This was stressful. Most women don't do this in their during their pregnancies. I'm doing my best to not vomit, scream, faint and cry all at the same time. I finally got the call from Paul to head down to the wedding. Anxiously I hustled around the rooms trying to get what I needed. Then I headed to Jessica.

"Hey!" I exclaimed with a big smile

"Hey, I got the stain out" She smiled standing proudly in her dress

"Wonderful, now I'm just going to change and then we need to head out" I explained

"Head out where?" She asked

"You'll see" I grinned.

Rushing upstairs I fixed my makeup, just natural colours but with red lips. I put on a blue dress, simple yet elegant. I did my hair the best I could and then rushed down to Jessica

"Let's go" I pointed to the door. Grabbing my coat and hers, we rushed out to my car and got in

"Why are you so dressed up?" She questions

"All good reasons" I assured starting the car

"That looks like the dresses I was for the brides maids at my wedding" she said examining it closely

"Funny" I smiled and then turned in the radio, doing my best to avoid her questions

"I wonder if they'll ask what happened to your hand?" Jessica wondered out loud

"John will, if there's even a scratch on me he asks what happen, this'll be a fun story" I sighed

I couldn't wait for tonight, to finally go to sleep after this long day. Though, God knows how long we'll be at the wedding. I also couldn't wait to have this baby, but I had five more months to go. I just wanted to relax.

Written by Hannah

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