Chapter 16

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Jessica POV :||

*4 weeks later*

Marcia and John are working things out, going to some couples therapy class or whatever. As for me and Paul? I don't know what to do.

One day, as I was sitting in that damn room, George ushered me to the phone. "Hello?" I said softly.

"Jessica, it's Marcia."

"Hi." I whispered.

"Listen, Paul... Paul almost committed suicide last night at mine and Johns place. You need to come. You need to help him. Please." Marcia begged.

"I'll be over there in 10 minutes." I sighed, hanging up the phone. I went to my cave of sorrow, and changed for once. I seemed skinner, and paler, and... well, different.

George drove me down to John and Marcia's to confront Paul. And I don't want to do this. My stomach churned, my face burned. Please... wake up. But, this wasn't a dream. It was all to real.

Written By Chandler.

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