Chapter 4

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Jessica POV :||

Everyone was congratulating Marcia and John, laughing and shouting. I sat at my chair, tears filling my eyes. A baby? No way, John and Marcia?

I didn't realize I was sobbing till Paul tapped on my shoulder. "Jessica, why are you...?"

I stood up, and handed Marcia and John their present. "If you'll excuse me, I have to put Mary to bed. Congratulations, John and Marcia." I say, wiping my tears and grabbing my daughter.

"Come on sweet pea, Mommy is going to tuck you in." I say, kissing her forehead. As I was putting her pajamas on, my head was twirling and swirling. I felt sick, and my head was driving me crazy. I put Mary in bed, and turned off the lights.

"Good Night, Pookie Poo." I say, shutting her door. I grabbed my head, and felt the throbbing. I became dizzy, and grabbed onto the stair railings to support myself.

My knees where shaking, sweat was pouring down my face. I lost my balance, and fell on my bottom. Oh, hell no.

When I was little, I had seizures all the time. And lucky me, I was having one now. I felt my mouth foaming, and I felt I wet myself, but the world around me was blocked out.

Written By Chandler.

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