Chapter 24

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Jessica POV :||

Paul handed me a dress, a leather jacket, small leather boots. "Hurry, hurry! We got to go!" Paul says, handing me a bra and some panties. "Wait, give me those back, I found something better!" he says, holding up a black lacy thong. "In your dreams, McCartney."

Soon, Paul had me in the car. "Where are we going?" I giggled. "To pick out a wedding dress." he replied simply. "In public?"

"Is that a problem?"

"No, it's just I don't want to get mobbed." I replied bluntly. "You won't." comes George's voice. And there, in the back seat, was George. "What are you...?"

"I've decided he'll be my best man." Paul says, taking a sharp turn. "Hey, take it easy!" I cried.

"So, got any ideas for who your maid of honor will be?" George ask. "Marcia. We have a pretty sisterly relationship."

Paul slammed his foot on the break, as me and George fell forward. "We're here!"

God, this will be a long day.

Written By Chandler.

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