Chapter 30

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Jessica POV :||

"Sorry about that, Jessica." Marcia says, entering the kitchen. I nod, and lay my head against the island.

"Something wrong?"

I look up at her, and sigh. "You're hiding something from me. You all are."

"We aren't hiding anything. What would make you think that?"

"Well, for starters, I can't go to my house, you locked me in the kitchen, and..."

"BYE MARCIA WE ARE GOING TO LUNCH!" John shouted, slamming the door. I look at Marcia, "Why aren't they having lunch with us?"

"They're going to have some meeting with Brain about their next album."

Marcia grabbed the counter top, balancing herself. "Here, I'll make us lunch. You, sit." I say, getting my seat. "No, no, I'll make lunch. My treat."

"Marcia, you're sitting down. You're stressed enough as it is. Just take a seat, and I'll make lunch."

I opened the fridge, had to my luck, a spaghetti sauce jar fell, splattering all over me. "Well, that just happened." I sighed.

Written By Chandler.

Oh! DarlingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon