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The morning rolled around once again but not to the sound of birds chirping but to a pounding on the door to Gina's apartment.

Both of the girls lept out of bed, assuming the worst. Gina told Angela to stay behind so that she could sus out the situation. Angela happily agreed, the trauma of the previous night flooding her mind.

On her way out Gina grabbed a lighter and some hairspray, ready to defend her home and friend. But when she reluctantly opened the door, makeshift flame thrower in hand, she was surprised to see Tom as well as the rest of Angela's band members standing there. Worried looks on their faces.

"Where is she?" Tom asked fright and anger in his tone.

Gina let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god it's just you guys."

The boys looked at each other slightly confused, but were quick to make their demand again. Gina let them in however she pulled them aside quickly.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't call you guys but she had a really rough night, so please be gentle with her."

The groups confusion spun into worry now. Their mind were filled with thousands of possibilities of what could have happened.

Gina went back to her room and emerged again with a frightened girl on her arm, she looked very different from usual. Her hair was messy and she had no care to shower, two things that normally Angela would religiously uphold.

When the group of boys saw her, their faces dropped and hearts hurt. Tom especially, he was white as a ghost seeing how his girlfriends radiant smiled had drooped.

Without saying anything Tom walked over carefully, almost as if Angela was a wild animal and he didn't want to spook her. He leant down to her height and wrapped his arms around her tight. The two collapsed down on the floor as the blonde broke down in tears, the arms around her became squeezed harder. She knew that in this moment she was safe.

The band members all gathered around and feel into a group hug, comforting the distraught girl as her tears saturated Toms shirt.

Gustav looked up at Gina and offered his hand out. She gleefully gripped onto him and he pulled her into the groups embrace. It was like in that moment everyone's heartbeat feel into sync and Angela's weeping became sniffles as she calmed herself down.

After ten minutes of the embrace Gina, Gustav, Bill and Georg let go leaving Tom still holding onto Angela for dear life. The others looked at each other and decided to give the two some space. They promptly left the apartment and went to go get a coffee so the lovers could have time to talk.

Once the others had left Tom pulls out of the embrace carefully, Angela's head hung looking down at the tiled floors. Tom gently touched the side of her cheek and she pushed into his hand for the comfort of his warmth. He pulled her face up so their eyes would meet.

In a calm but concerned voice Tom asked "What happened, Angel?"

Angela darted her eyes to the side, not wanting to answer the question but also wanting to pour her heart out to the boy in front of her. For a moment they stayed there in silence, for once Tom had completely dropped his 'tough guy' act, showing his real self as he knew that's what his partner needed. This made Angela's heart ache even more, that he was here for her, that he was willing to drop the mask for this moment, something that he even held up in less appropriate times. That he would put his persona on the line for her.

Tom waited for an answer patiently, giving the girl sometime to think, and no longer be afraid. The girl looked back up into his dark brown eyes, seeing the worry in his eyes. But she couldn't bare looking at him as she finally said.

"He held me by my neck."

The words were like a stake to the heart. Tom's worry became silent anger, he knew if he let his rage show it would make Angela feel even worse.

It was only a moment later that Angela broke. Everything came spilling out. From what the guy did, the police questioning her and the cut on her throat.

Tom rage became seething, he couldn't help the rising heat he felt as she told him what happened. And at the the same time he wanted to brake down crying along with Angela, he couldn't stand to his girlfriend and more importantly his best friend like this. He didn't have many words but what he could mutter as he looked into Angela's turquoise eyes was...

"I won't let anything ever happen to you again, even if it kills me."


Yoooo I'm not dead! Finally felt a bit of inspiration to write some more! I think though I owe you guys an apology:

I'm sorry I haven't been writing much, my life has taken quite a few turns recently, plot twists if you will. It's been exciting, exhausting and stressful so that's why I haven't been writing anything.

I was actually going to release this about two weeks ago, but I never got around to it. So...Hi Matt! (my bf who absolutely loves this fanfic and legit has begged me on multiple occasions to write more.) happy belated birthday, this was my last gift for your bday! <3

Anyway, thank you all for the incredible support you all have given me, you guys are part of the reason I've been able to keep going for the past few months. Your words of encouragement, checking up on me and asking me if I was okay had been so helpful. Thank you all sm!

Love you all! (Specially u Matt)

- Moni Lee <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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