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A/N: Trigger Warning! This character may include content that some viewers may be disturbed by. View discretion advised!

After the interview Tom was especially close to Angela. Even when they were leaving the building being swarmed by paparazzi and fans he held her close. This made Angela's heart almost skip a beat. She had never imagined that when her crush on Tom started to develop at the beginning of the tour that this is where they would end up.

They all hoped into their van to head back to the hotel room, where they had the rest of the day to themselves. The VMAs were close so Gustav and Georg requested that they be dropped off at their labels studio to do some practicing for the big event.

Once the two had left, Angela got a text. One from a number she didn't recognise. She decided that it must have been someone she knew as she didn't give her number out often.

To her surprise it was Gina; the girl from the night before. Angela was excited to hear from her as even though their conversation at the party was short, she really liked her.

Gina asked Angela if she would like to hang out that night. There was a party happening that night and Gina asked Angela to be her plus one.

This worked out well shockingly as the group once again had a free night. She thought about asking if any of the other could join, but she didn't want to be a pest.

So that night, Angela got in her best dress, with Bills help of course. He dressed her in a short pleated shirt, dark grey long sleeve crop, knees high black boots and a cute bag to tie it off. Bill also made sure to curl and style Angela's hair. He said that it would 'tie the outfit together'.

Bill lead the girl downstairs, hyping her up for her night ahead. They came outside and saw Gina waiting for her. The larger boy gave Angela a tight hug and a reminder to call him if she needed anything, then sent her on her way.

"Hey Girl!" Gina hollered from her car.

"Heyy!" Angela yelled back as she came off the steps to the hotel.

Before she got into the car, she whipped around and saw Tom standing there with his brother. He looked at the girl and made a 'call me' signal with his hand and mouthed the word so that she would get the message. Angela blew a kiss to the twin with dreads, then jumped into the passenger seat.

"Omg I was so happy when you replied to my text, you seemed so chill the other night, I couldn't wait to hangout again." Gina went on as she began driving.

Angela was touched by her new friends words. She didn't have many people outside of the band other than old friends from Australia. So it felt great to hang out with someone new.

"Dude I was so excited when I saw ur text and same, you were just so chilled." Angela replied.

The girls went on and talked the whole way there. Apart from a few karaoke brakes when songs they liked came on the radio.

It took them about twenty minutes to get to the apartment where the gathering was happening. It was being held at some famous DJs place which was a beautiful penthouse on the top floor.

"Okay but all of these houses in LA are impossibly gorgeous." Angela said as she stepped over the threshold of the door.

Gina laughed at her comment. "Yeah well, these are celebrity houses you've been too."

"Good point." Angela agreed.

The two linked their arms so they wouldn't get lost in the swarm of people. They dodged their was through quickly to try and find somewhere quiet.

They were able to find a room without anyone in it. Gina had told Angela she had something but had to wait to show her.

The room they found was the laundry. They set themselves down on the cold tiles and Gina pulled out of her bag a small plastic ziplock. Inside, there was a few pills.

"Whats that?" Angela asked a tiny bit concerned.

Gina's face had a wildly mischievous smirk. "It's for you!" She held the small bag closer to Angela.

Angela gave off a playful 'aw' putting her hand over her heart and pouting. "Why thank you! But for real, what is it?" She said changing her tone.

The other girl lent over to Angela and whispered in her ear. "It's MDMA."

For a moment a rush of fear ran through Angela's body. However, the adrenaline took over quickly. "Alright let's do it."

"Oh honey, it's for you. I brought something a little stronger." Gina then pulled out a second tiny ziplock with a white powder inside.

"Wow didn't think you would be a coke-bunny." Angela said as she looked from the girl and then back to the bag.

Gina put on a fake posh accent and replied. "Why darling there is a lot you don't know about me."

The two girls laughed together. It was quite blissful, almost peaceful for Angela. It had been ages since she felt like this. She didn't feel like she had many friends, apart from the band. So having someone she could laugh and joke around with outside of the members was an incredible feeling.

Angela opened up the bag and poured out two pills into her palm. Gina had pulled out a credit card from her bag and cut lines out of the white powder.

Just for a second Angela thought about not doing it, the risks, the consequences spiralled in her mind. But once again the thrill of it all kicked in and she downed the two tablets.

After Gina rubbed the powdery residue off her nose she grabbed the other girls wrist and took off back into the party.

The drugs raided Angela's system pretty fast. For her, the world had become still. Everything slowed down and she began to notice the patterns in everything around her.

Meanwhile Gina was already on the dance floor, her energy radiating. Angela decided it would be best if she found a seat. So, she stumbled over to a near by couch and firmly placed herself on the cushion.

She turned her head around and sitting next to her was a boy. One that had a tiger tattooed around his neck.

"I like your tattoo." She yelled, trying to be heard over the loud music.

The boy turned his attention to her. He was really hot, in Angela's opinion. He had medium brown hair that he held back with a red bandanna, dark green eyes and pale yet sun-kissed skin. He wore a hoodie and some baggy jeans, similar to the ones Tom would wear.

"Yea, well I like your face." His attempt at flirting, kinda made Angela cringe but also fumble slightly.

She smiled at him, or at least she thought she did, she could no longer feel her face.

"Hey, why don't me and you, go see what my friend Tony is doing?" He said putting his hand out for her to hold.

At this point Angela wasn't in control of her mind or her body. So she grabbed his hand and followed him upstairs.

The boy opened up the door and welcomed the girl in. Angela walked in wilfully expecting to see this guys friend and some others. But the room was dark and quiet.

From behind her, she herd something that sounded like a locking door. She turned around and gazed up at the much larger man.

"Where's Tony?" Was all she could get out in that moment. Her body riddled with the drug to the point that she could barely speak.

In the dark Angela could see the guys teeth as he smiled. "Oh hush, this won't take long."


I know this is a bit darker then what I usually would write and I hate to say the next chapter isn't any better.

Life has been a lot the past couple days so sorry for not posting. I'll try and be as frequent as possible!

Thank you all for the support!

- Monika Lee

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