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The trio arrived at the party, slightly out of breath since they ran all the way there. Tom took a minute to catch his breath then looked up at Angela, she didn't notice but he was admiring her. His heart was racing even more so, not just from the running.

He shook of the thoughts that he had and opened the door for the others.

"Ladies first." Tom said, dramatically bowing for her.

Angela gave off a small giggle and walked inside. Tom and Bill followed her in.

It was a party alright, music blasting people talking and making conversation.

They quickly found Georg who was chatting up a girl, who was smiling at him and twirling her hair in her fingers. Bill ripped him away from his conversation to go and find Gustav who was getting drinks.

"Hey guys! What can I get you?" Gustav said handing a beer to Georg, who looked pretty pissed at Bill.

"I'll just grab a beer." Tom said, Gustav passed him a bottle too.

"Bill?" Gustav waiting for his order.

"Uhm I'm not sure? What do you think Angela?" He said turning to the girl.

Angela got a small grin on her face and replied "How about we kick it off with a bang, with a couple shots of vodka?"

"I like you even more now." Bill said smiling at the excited girl.

Gustav got out a few shot glasses, placing four in front of each of them. "How about who ever finishes last has to have a shot of absinthe." The boy said a mischievous grin on his face as a pulled out a green bottle.

"Absinthe?" Angela asked not recognising the liquor.

"Ooh your gonna die." Tom said before taking a sip from his beer.

George turned to Angela "It's like a super strong liquor, some people say it makes u dance with the fairies."

"Oh this will be fun." She said even more pumped to see what would happen next.

Angela and Bill took their places in front of the shot glasses. Gustav counted town from ten and zero Angela threw back the first shot with ease. Bill struggled slightly. The girl threw back two more and finally the last, aggressively putting down the glass then throwing her hand in the air.

"Woohoo, Bill you know what you gotta do now!" Bill was still downing his last shot when he litfted his head up to face her.

"Fine..." He said, fear of what would happen next creeping in his veins along with the alcohol.

Angela picked up the shot glass with the vibrant green liquid spilling from the top. She let Bill have a moment before handing his the glass.

Bill looked down at the liquor and took a deep breath in. The group huddled around and were nagging him on. Reluctantly he tossed the shot down his throat, then slammed the glass back on the table.

"How was that bro?" Tom said, putting his arm over his brother then rustling up his hair.

"I'll get you back." He said sternly to Angela.

The group made their way out of the kitchen and back into the party. They lost Georg pretty quickly as he went to find the girl he was flirting with before.

The rest of them got dragged onto the dance floor by Angela. Gustav quickly found a girl to dance, well more like grind with. Tom did the same. So it was just Bill and Angela dancing with one another. The two were dancing as if no one was watching, making up funky moves to make one another laugh.

After a while Tom sat down on a couch near the dance floor with two girl either side of him. Gustav was making out with the girl he was dancing with and Georg had snuck up into one of the bedrooms. Angela and Bill had split up and started dancing with other people.

Angela was dancing with a girl and the tension between the two of them was growing fast 'Bananza' playing in the background. Their hips were moving in synch with one another and they were getting closer and closer to one another.

Bill found Tom and sat on the arm of the couch. The two then noticed Angela and the girl she was dancing with. Tom was practically staring at them while his two girls were swooning over him.

"She wasn't lying that girl is Bi." Bill said playfully wacking his brother.

Tom stayed silent and didn't say anything, but continued to observe the two.

The girl and Angela turned to one another, their eyes locking. She knew Tom was watching them but she continued to see what he would do.

The girls leaned in and kissed on another passionately and quietly started marking out.

Bills jaw was practically on the ground, not knowing how adventurous Angela could be.

Tom let out a huff and released himself from his girls and walked off, grabbing another drink before walking out into the backyard. Bill just kept looking at the girls lost in each others lips.

Angela finished up her make out sesh with the girl and grabbed herself another drink. She was pushing the boundary between tipsy and drunk.

She stumbled her way out to the backyard where she found Tom, sitting by the pool and drinking his beer.

"What happened to your flirts?" She asked as she sat next to him.

"They had to go." He said sternly, while taking another sip of his booze.

"Aww that sucks..." Her words began to slur.

Tom looked over at her. Her face was quite red from all the drink. He giggled slightly. "Your wasted Angela."

"What no!...maybe...slightly." She replied trying to hold her head up.

Tom just laughed at her. Angela was barley holding up her head so she rested it on his shoulder.

"Okay it's time for you to go home." He said, laughing at the girl.

"What no! The parties just getting started!" She protested.

Tom didn't take her cries, he helped her up and walked her back into the house. Telling the others that they were going home, they decided to stay for a little while longer. So he was stuck with her.

He ended up having to carry her home in his arms. He struggled to open the door but got in. Luckily her father was fast asleep so he could sneak up to her bedroom.

He laid her down on her bed. Then took off her boots and her jewellery. Tom laid her on her side so that she wouldn't choke if she were to vomit.

Before he left he moved her hair out of her face and tucked her in.

"Goodnight Angel." He said before closing her door and sneaking back out.

I hate to be one of those people but if you could vote my chapters that would help me out a lot <3
- Monika Lee.

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