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It was new day, and the day that Angela would begin at her new school. Her nerves had kicked when she reached the school that had students pouring in and out from all directions. She decided to make a good impression with her outfit. She wore baggy jeans with patches she had sown on, a black crop singlet with lace on the hem and a brown jacket. Her hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail and she worse dark makeup around her eyes.

She took a second before walking in to have a cigarette behind a nearby tree. As she calmly smoked the tobacco a boy came up behind her.

"Damn you must be knew here." The boy said approaching her with his friends.
"And she's a hottie" One of the other said.
All she did was roll her eyes, Angela knew she was hot, and even back home the boys would swoon over her.
"Nice to meet you too" She said sarcastically.
Before they could get another word in the bell rang and they sprinted off into the building. Angela put out her cigarette and followed behind.

The school was different to what she was used to back home in Australia. It was less open and had more endless hallways. She was able to find her home room class and quickly ran to the door.

Angela pushed open the door and walked in. The teacher looked at her and then turned to the class.

"Class this is our new student all the way from Australia! Would you please introduce yourself?"

Angela turned to the class, recognising some of the boys that hit on her previously, whispering between one another.

"Hi I'm Angela Schneider, I moved here yesterday, but when I was little I lived here." Her German impressed her teacher, who expected her to struggle.

The class gave a lazy clap as they seemed to already be done with the class. Angela put her attention back onto the teacher who told her to find a seat.

Angela sat down near the back where their was an empty seat. The teacher began to take attendance, when she stopped at two names.

"Ugh has anyone seen the Kaultiz twins?" The class looked around at each other but the names pricked Angela's ears. Something about the names seemed familiar.

Not even a second later two boys came crashing through the door. Both were tall, one with long blonde dreadlocks and the other with spiked black hair that had a fringe styled over one eye.

"We are here Mrs!" The blonde one spoke.

"This is the third time this week alone, you better not be late again or I'm calling your parents." The teacher barked back at them.

The boys hung their heads and made their way to the back of the class. Angela watched them take their seats, a nagging feeling that she knew them chewed her up. She ignored it and looked back up at the teacher.

"Oh and boys you missed our new student."
'Crap I was hoping she wouldn't say that.' Angela thought to herself.

"This is Angela make her feel welcome." The boys looked at her for a moment then directed their attention back to doodling in the notebooks and looking out the window.

Home room ended and Angela headed up to her next class where the blonde boy from before followed up behind her.

"Hey! So your new or something?" He said, Angela replied with a simple nod.

"Well I'm Tom, Tom Kaultiz!" The boy said putting out his hand for her to shake.

Angela shook his hand and replied "I'm Angela as you already know."
"Yea ahah, so where are you coming from?" He asked.

"Australia. Sydney specifically."
"Oh wow, for real. That's so cool"
"Yea I guess."

Tom stopped them for a minutes and looked around the crowed hallway.

"Hey do you wanna skip class and you hang out or something?" He asked a little glimmer in his eye.

"Why not. It's not like I didn't learn all this stuff back in Australia. Germany is a few terms behind us."

Tom grabbed her wrist and ran with her down the stairs and out near the school field, where they picked a place to sit down and chat.

After a while, the two began to get to know each other better.

"Wait so your in a band?" Angela queried
"Yea I am, with my brother Bill and our two friends Gustav who's the drummer and Georg who is on piano and bass." Tom replied

"So let me guess your the guitarist and your brother is vocalist." Angela said in a snarky tone.

"Good guess! Yep you could call me the ladies man." He said confidently.

"Yea okay." She laughed at his comment.
She could see why the ladies fanned over him but his confidence was a bit off putting.

"Whatever you say. Hey why don't you come over to our place tonight and watch us play?" Tom asked
"Sure, got nothing better to do."

The day ended relatively quickly. She attended her other classes and got ready to leave. As she came out of the building. Tom was waiting their with what she presumed were his band mates.

"Angela! Over here!" Tom called out to her.

She walked over to the group. And Tom introduced everyone.

"It's nice to meet you all." Angela said smiling at them all.

"She's gonna come over and watch us practice." Tom said, he was quite giddy about the situation.

"What did we say Tom, none of your hookups can come to practice" Gustav said sturnly.

"Don't worry I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole." Angela replied.

The group bust out laughing as Tom pouted playfully.

"Okay we'll just don't get the way, okay?" Bill said to her, softly putting his hand on her back and beginning to walk.

"Don't worry I won't!"

Hey guys! Hope your enjoying it so far! I will be updating as much as possible! What are your thoughts so far?

If you wouldn't mind voting my chapters that would be amazing!!

- Monika Lee <3

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