Is it romantic feeling??

Is it okay to feel for someone whom I forget but my heart is saying I still have something with the person??"

Is it okay to express my tangle feelings??

Is it okay to call the feeling as 'Like'???

Or is it more than just 'like'???"

Jungguk was telling to his mind...

"I-I missed y-you..."Jungguk expressed what he felt to right to do...He was being honest..He didn’t want to live in delulu anymore...Being straightforward is good..At times, the solution to a maze is to reduce it to embers and walk straight through the ashes....

"Huh?" Taehyung was thinking he heard right or not...

"I missed you...Where were you??Why didn’t you come to meet me??Why did you run away that day??Why did you ignore me??Why did you give me butterfly in my stomach that day??Why can't I think anything other than you??You said you would help me to remember my past..YOU said you would help me to know about us..Then why did you disappear like that??Why???"

Jungguk let out everything at that moment which he was hiding from everyone...It was so hard to live like this...At first he forgot many things of his life,he was injured,he couldn’t walk and then Taehyung did something to his heart which was hard to ignore....

Jungguk started to crying...Sensitive people always cry out of emotion...

Taehyung immediately went close to Jungguk and cupped his face...He began to wipe every tears of Jungguk..He didn’t know why and how Jungguk said all of those things...He had to clear everything but at first he couldn’t see Jungguk's teary eyes...He saw Jungguk after three days..And those three days so tough for him...And seeing Jungguk like this hurt his heart...

The two boys were hurting their hearts because of each other's concern...This is rare...Love is selflessness...Love is that when you can't see each other in pain..Love is that when you start to worry for other when you don't see other for a single day...Love is that when you want to see a glance of other and that can make your day better...Again love is selflessness...

"Don't cry please...I am sorry for treating you like this...I can't see your tears...Please don't cry..." Taehyung was wiping Jungguk's tears and said this...

Jungguk looked at Taehyung with his glossy doe eyes...And that look made Taehyung to fall for Jungguk more...

"Why didn't you come?You are i-ignoring me for that d-day??" Jungguk asked...

"I-I a-am not...I-I just felt guilty...I k-know
y-you f-felt disgust about me f-for that...I
t-thought you didn't w-wanna see me..." Taehyung explained...He wanted to say more but he knew Jungguk didn’t remember anything about him....For that he had to stop himself...

"N-No....I-I didn’t feel disgust...Please d-don't say like this...Y-You said we were close before...T-Then how can I feel like that??" Jungguk said...

Taehyung didn’t know he should cry or smile...Jungguk's every words made him believe that somewhere in Jungguk's heart he was remembered...

"I-I am sorry...You went through like this...
I-I was also sick from that day...I caught cold..." Taehyung finished his words and sneezed... He moved his face from Jungguk when he was sneezing...

Jungguk's gut feeling was half right...
He noticed Taehyung didn’t wear any muffler...He hurriedly took out his one muffler and made Taehyung to wear...

Taehyung was surprised...

"What are you doing Ggukah??You will get cold.." Taehyung began to protest...

"And you will not??You already got cold...Please don't get sick..." Jungguk said while crossing the muffler on Taehyung's neck...

Taehyung was looking down on Jungguk...Jungguk was so focused while tieing the knot...Taehyung was feeling overwhelming...If Jungguk remember everything of before would he do this kind of things at that time??And the things Jungguk told him today could it be Jungguk had something for him??

Yeah...It was looking like that...It mean Taehyung had chance to be with Jungguk..That mean he could show his love to Jungguk...That mean this time fate was by his side...

Could he trust his fate this time???

His thoughts broke when he felt Jungguk's lips on his forhead...He widened his eyes...

What did just happen???????????

Was it real???????????

Taehyung heard the most sweet voice which was his favourite...

"L-Let's take slow of everything Taetae...Just be my side..." Jungguk said...

He realised what he was feeling was above of friendship...His Jinhyung was right..He was feeling so easy with Taehyung because falling for Taehyung....And he wanted to experience this fully with Taehyung no matter what....

If he wouldn’t get back his memory it's okay...He would make new memories with Taehyung...

Taehyung understood what Jungguk said...And he would do everything to bring back his old Ggukah again..And even if he would fail it's okay...He would make new memories with Jungguk...

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart...And one of them is love....

The love is started to bloom...TaeTae and Ggukah are aware of their own feelings...The new journey is waiting for them...And all of you are going to be witnesses of their divine love journey which I call "Love in the November".....

And all of you are going to be witnesses of their divine love journey which I call "Love in the November"

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To be continue~~

(This is so long chapter...My fingers are aching now...Anyway are you surprised or shocked???

They didn’t confess each other but they knew what they were feeling...

Are you all ready to be part of their love journey???

Most importantly what do you think Jungguk will get back his memory or not??

Tell me in the comments...I know all of you are jumping because of this part...
I promised you I will never let you down🥹
My writing is nowadays becoming more romantic and sweet..Ottoke!!!)

LOVE IN THE NOVEMBER Season 2 [TAEKOOK]✔️Where stories live. Discover now