54. Perfect

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1 Year Later (a/n yeah yeah i know its a rlly long time skip but why not lol 🤪)


I opened the front door to see Jungkook practically turning the whole house upside down. I sighed. "Seriously honey, you couldn't take care of her?" I asked, grabbing his attention.

"I managed... I guess", he said, groaning and ruffling his already messy hair in frustration. "Where is she anyways?" I asked, and he pointed to the living room.

I walked there to see my beautiful daughter. Iseul. She was on the sofa, curiously looking at the cartoon. I picked her up from the sofa and kissed her soft cheeks. Iseul was 2 months old, well by international age I guess.

"Aww, my baby Iseul. He couldn't take care of you just for an hour. Seriously", I rolled my eyes, playfully.

"I tried!" He yelled from the bathroom and I chuckled.

I got off the sofa, carrying Iseul and walked to the bathroom, seeing Jungkook looking at the mirror, fixing his hair. "Did you feed Iseul?" I asked.

"Feed? Isn't she like 2 months old? She can't eat food", he said, then he went quiet for a while staring at nothing, as if he was thinking what the meaning of life is. Is that how the saying goes though???

I smacked his head. "I was talking about the milk. The formula. Did you feed her that?" I said, and he shook his head.


"WHAT?!" I yelled, before running to the kitchen with Jungkook following me behind.

"I made the milk but the water was too hot. So I put it in the fridge", he said, opening the fridge and grabbing the milk bottle.

I stood quiet for a moment, trying to figure what the heck was going on! I put Iseul on a rug and folded my arms.

"Just tell me what happened while I was away", I said.

Few Minutes Later (a/n bc im lazy)

"So, you're telling me that making formula was difficult. You didn't see the instructions?" I said, and he groaned.

"Maybe this thing isn't for me, you know. It's women's job to take care of babies", he muttured, but I heard it. My eyebrows furrowed.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Nothing", he replied, blushing.


Time Skip

I placed Iseul, who was sleeping, peacefully in her cot. Is it even called a cot though? I kissed her cheek because she's just so cute and why not.

"Good night", I said, then I left her room and walked outside. I saw Jungkook lying on the grass looking at the stars.

I lied on the grass beside him and looked at the stars. "What's fun about looking at the stars?" I asked, smiling.

"I don't know. I guess I see my company making more money and then I'll be a trillionaire or something", he said, and I gave him a 'You have to be kidding me look'.

He chuckled and pulled my closer to him. He held my hand, tightly. "I'm joking", he said, before kissing my forehead.

"I love you", I said.

"I love you too."


Start date: Friday 25 November 2022

Finish date: Monday 5 June 2023

ok ok. I can believe I actually completed this book lmao wtf 

 I can believe I actually completed this book lmao wtf 

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anywayss thanks for reading this book. I hope you enjoyed it. saranghaeee


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