21. Shopping

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Sitting and eating breakfast with Jungkook was really awkward. We didn't even speak to each other. I was still pretty steamed at Jungkook for what happened last night. I was worried about him for nothing.

When I looked at Jungkook, he seemed pretty fine about everything. He was on his phone, playing a game or whatever. I turned back to my food.

​​​​​​Just eat, Y/n. Everything will be fine. Deep breath in.. Deep breath out..

"Finish eating, we have to go somewhere," Jungkook said quickly, not even taking a glance at me.

I looked at him in disbelief, and went back to eating my food. I took out my phone and began reading an article about 'How to make a good relationship.'

"Yah! No phone when you are eating."

I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from screaming, but when I saw the phone on his palm, I almost choked on my water. I stood up from my chair and excused myself to the bathroom. After I went away from that jerk, I took deep breaths in and out, then took my phone out my pocket.

I found a book about 'How to Deal With an Annoying Spouse' which was on sale right now. Unfortunately, I had no money, so I either had to ask Jungkook for some or earn it. Then I had a good idea.


"Let's go," Jungkook said, as he went inside his car, along with me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the mall. We need to buy food, clothes and probably new accessories if you want," he replied.

After what he said, there was absolute silence, once again. When the traffic light turned red, Jungkook grabbed my bag, then a few seconds later, he put it back on my lap.

Once we reached the mall, we parted our ways. Jungkook went to the men's side and I went to the women's side. I found some clothes, but all of them were expensive. The cheapest thing was a summer dress, which was 29$.

I took a look at my purse and I saw money, which I never seen. I thought for a while until I remembered something.

Jungkook was the one who did this. I'll have to thank him later.


"Ahh," I closed my eyes as I slumped on my seat.

"Are you done buying everything?" Jungkook and I hummed.

"Good," he said as he began driving.

"Thank you for the money," I said.

"You don't need to say it," he said, not peeling his eyes off the road.

I sighed.

"But anyways, you're welcome," he said.

I smiled before drifting off.

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