2. What's With Him

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Your POV

I moved in that mansion that night and I was really impressed with my room. I immediately fell in love with my room. I really wish I could stay in it forever.

Too bad I had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning. I was already dressed up in my clothing and it was time for me to start working. I went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"What should I make for breakfast?" I thought, then I remembered my mom's cabbage porridge recipe.

"Maybe, I should cook that," then I began cooking.

Time Skip

"What is for breakfast?" a deep voice began.

I turned around and saw a man. Looks like he is in his 40s.

'He must be Mr. Jeon' You thought.

"Hello sir, I am L/n Y/n, I am a new maid. I am cooking cabbage porridge for Mrs. Jeon, Mr. Jeon and their son," you said.

"Okay, Y/n" he said and took a seat.

Soon, Mrs. Jeon and her son, who must be Chungkoo or something, came in and took a seat too.

"What the hell is this garbage sitting in front of me," Chungkoo asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Um... This is cabbage porridge. I learnt it from my mother before she left me," I said, and the whole room got quiet.

I looked down as I bit my bottom lip trying to hold back tears but I failed, miserably. I excused yourself and ran outside, really sad and embarrased at the same time.

With the Jeon Family

Mrs. Jeon glared at Jungkook and hit his head before standing up and going outside. She met you outside, and sat near you and patted your back.

Back to You

"Why did they have to leave me so early?" you muttured.

"It's okay, dear. Life is like that. Let's go and eat cabbage porridge, it is really good. We had never eaten anything like it," Mrs. Jeon said, while wiping your tears.

"Okay, thank you Mrs. Jeon," you bowed.

"Call me Aunty," she said before she left.

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