43. Jiwon's Threat

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Next Morning

Y/n's Nov

I woke up feeling really sore. I wasn't surprised as.. I am still stuck on the chair! What did Jiwon want from me anyways. If I'm here to sit on the chair, can he find someone else to do it.

Smh. Wait a minute, did I just say smh out loud? ...

"...never mind. and I'm so surprised Jiwon didn't come here and look for his phone", I rolled my eyes at the joke.

Just then Jiwon came inside the room and I instantly shut up. He eyed me for a few seconds before moving to the table to get his phone. His eyebrows furrowed when he couldn't find it.

"Where is my phone?" He asked, and I tried looking cool.

"I don't know", I said, looking at the table.

"Look at me," she said, and I looked at him.

"I'm not a going to laugh as I didn't take your phone. I saw it yesterday on the table and now I can't see it", I said.

Just at that moment, I felt my butt vibrating. Shoot! Jungkook texted me! Jiwon looked at me, just as if I was a little kid caught eating sugar.

"What was that?" He asked, walking towards me. My palms felt sweaty at that moment. Just then, I had an idea.

"I was just humming", I lied while pressing the shut down button. I guess that wasn't the best thing to say.

"Shut up! I'm so sick of this! (a/n fake love! okay I'll stop 😂) If I hear any more nonsense slip from your mouth, that will be the last time you'll be on earth", he said, making a little scared.

He muttered something I couldn't hear, but I heard the word 'Jungkook' in it. "Did Jungkook do something to you? That's why you are doing this?" I asked.

"Shut up", he said.

"If he did anything just let me go and I'll talk to him. I promise. Please", I said, almost on the verge of tears.

"If you want to leave this world, continue talking", he said, before leaving the room. I pulled out the phone, turned it on and began writing a text to Jungkook.

Jungkook's POV

It has been minutes since I sent a message to Y/n and haven't gotten a reply. The phone made that ding sound, and I looked to see if Y/n sent me a message.

"Yes!" I whispered.

Lee Jiwon: hello...

jeon.kook: are you okay?

Lee Jiwon: no

jeon.kook: what happened?

Lee Jiwon: it's Jiwon.. He said he'll get rid of me if i do anything..

jeon.kook: it will be okay y/n. I promise.

Lee Jiwon: ..do you actually love me?

I was confused at the question Y/n asked me. Did I not show her my love for her? She sent me a text just then.

Lee Jiwon: I'm annoying, clumsy, and ugly

jeon.kook: you aren't annoying, your clumsiness is really cute, and you are the most beautiful girl i've ever seen

Lee Jiwon: aww thanks kookie

jeon.kook: now that it's morning, what do you see?

Lee Jiwon: i see the some roofs, so I think I'm in an apartment. The room I'm in isn't really clean. So I'm probably in an abandoned apartment?

jeon.kook: okay, I'll go to the police station and we'll try and find you through the clues, okay?

Lee Jiwon: okay.

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