18 -- The Human

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A fancy grey, three-story Victorian-styled masonry mansion was situated in the park side community of Manhattan Island's Central Park South. It was decorated with beautiful flowering white ornamental cherries, bonsai evergreen trees, and golden fountains of water jettison high into the air, catching the morning sunlight. The shrubbery was well tended too, and not a blemish of moss dared to latch on to the exterior walls that kept out the stains of society.

From the well-tended, weed free green lawn, a single silver flag post flew the Irish flag proudly in the air.


Playing in the front yard, nine-year-old Kiandra had been trying to catch the attention of someone willing to help him. Many people did their best never to look that the O'Sullivan's mansion as the proprietors were rather self-righteous!

Kiandra was strictly forbidden to leave property for anything. Even talking to people was forbidden by his parents; so, he had to work swiftly as he saw a girl about his age, walking from the convenient story, past his house.

"Hey! Do you have a moment!" he hollered to a bypassing girl. He caught the attention of the young lady as he smiled, so thrilled to finally make eye-contact with someone who wasn't an O'Sullivan.

"My soccer ball was kicked over the wall. Could you pretty please throw it back!? I'd greatly appreciate it very much!"

"Uhm, sure." she muttered, walking over as she picked up the ball. "Why can't you just come out and get it yerself? Sort of inconvenient, huh?"

"My parents forbid me from passing over this wall. I really appreciate it! Really!"

"No problem." she said, walking over while she was munching on fish-n-chips.

"Is that fried fish!?" he asked, smelling its sweet oily scent.

"Yea, do you want one?" she asked, offering.

"Certainly! I have never eaten fish before!"

"Really!? Here you go." she said, giving the soccer ball and a piece of battered fish to him.

"Mm...thank you so much!" Kiandra trill with glee as he could not wait to try it.

"Have a nice day, madam." the girl said as her words stung. But Kiandra could not argue with his mis-gendering. He certainly looked and sounded just like a girl, thanks to his parents' drug! And his mother dresses him in feminine clothing, as male clothing looked too baggy on him.

"Kiandra Muirgen O'Sullivan, just what are you doing young man!?" Kiandra mom yelled from the house. The young girl who given Kiandra the fish went running as the O'Sullivan's were out of their house. Kiandra's mother dashed across the lawn with her husband running behind.

She grabbed Kiandra harshly by the wrist as she yelled at her son.

"We do not talk to the neighbors! And what is that gross thing in your hand!" she gawked at Kiandra's-stained gloves as she cried out like the world was on fire "Oh my gosh, it is staining your pretty white glove! Drop that commoner food now!" she slapped it out of his hand as he watched the flaky fried fish fall on the grass.

Mr. O'Sullivan grabbed his son painfully by his short trimmer brown hair and yelled at him.

"Stupid boy! We do not socialize with the commoners in this town! Who knows what diseases they carry! Are you trying to ruin us, boy! Stop being a stain on my legacy, and do as you are told!"

"Now get inside the house right now, and go to my study! You will be writing lines for the next four hours on why we do not speak to the middle and low class!" his mother marched him into the mansion.

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