13 -- The Mating

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No one dared to disagree with the Seer...for Niamh controlled all of their fates.

Those who would foolishly oppose her will, could result in their own death! Her power to foresee the future and even change fates was revered as something rather 'divine'. All people knew it from her unique physical characteristics: platinum colored hair and silvery grey eyes. Even her scales have lost most of their color. For colors washed away from the eyes, skin, scales, fins, and hair was a sign that the individual has the blessings of the Divine Spirit in their soul.

Together, Niamh led Meara who continued to carry the Egg and Kiandra into the heart of the crowd. The Finn stopped amongst the Merrows as they gathered close. She knew that there was still a chance that the tide could even turn against her...so she walked over to Kiandra, smiling.

She gently slid the red hood back as Kiandra's long platinum colored hair shimmered in the sunlight. Only a few Merrows had seen Kiandra's long platinum colored hair when he was paraded into the Palace by Caelan and the other Keepers. Now, everyone could see and immediately dropped to their knees and bowed to the young man.

"Wh—what is going on?" Kiandra asked, scared by all of their reaction.

[Do you even realized what type of Merrow you are going to mate?] Niamh grinned.

[I should have seen it!] Meara's suspicions were confirmed as she looked at his shimmering hair, glimmering skin, and silvery eyes [Kiandra is possessed by the Spirit! Bless by the Water Deity!] Niamh nodded, smiling. She watched as Caelan sulked away, afraid of divine punishment.

"Meara?" asked Kiandra, confused.

"It is okay...the people are giving you, their blessing." Meara smiled, deciding to keep out the part that divine intervention had shown itself in his evolution.

[Come, let's take this situation to the privacy of your room.] as she guided Meara and Kiandra into the heart of the Palace, opening the door to Meara's residence and letting them walk inside.

Kiandra looked at the decorations and items that Meara had once collected from the human world. It was like being at home as he gazed at everything in awe. Like his own room, there was a deep pool where Meara slept and rehydrated. It was filled with many beautiful plants...and colorful fish that were added to the pool to keep Meara company when she was in here, all alone.

Niamh looked at the gathered crowd in the hallway as she just grinned, closing the door. She then walked over to Meara as she advised.

[You have an audience...so go on, start acting.] she then whispered in her ear [I already know that you are not officially going to do it. So, let's see how you 'mates' are actually going to perform the mating ritual, Kikiki!]

[I understand, and thank you.] Meara lightly bowed her head. She then looked down at Kiandra as she softly said to him. [Please accept my deepest apology for what I am about to do to you...this might hurt a little.]. Niamh took the Egg from Meara and placed it aside so that it wasn't damaged.

She held him as she then took one of Niamh's thorns and held it in her other hand. She glanced down at him as he worried.

"Wh—what are you doing, Meara?!" he croaked, looking at the thorn.


Outside, the people gathered around as some of them were in disbelief, and some of them wanted to be reassured that their species would survive. Many called the act ordained, sacred...and a spectacle that they needed to hear for themselves...though the Mating Ceremony can be rather embarrassing and sometime lewd.

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