'She is going to kill me! How in the world did this happen!?' Kiandra panicked as the mermaid eased the young seer gently down to the floor. She then popped the bubble as she was finally able to breathe once again.

'Do not be afraid my child, I shall not harm you.' came a voice inside Kiandra's head as she could actually understand what it was saying! 'Star-child, why have you come to my room? And how did you defy gravity? I am curious.'

'Is she using some form of telepathy?!' Kiandra wondered as the water surrounding her body seemed to flow back into the pool, leaving her mostly dry, except for her long platinum colored hair.

"I—I am truly sorry if I disturbed you." she politely said "I was just walking off my foul mood and found something that teleported me here by sheer accident. I never had the intention of bothering you this evening. I just want to live in peace with the people of this world, not offend them...for this, I am truly sorry." he replied, then sighed.

'She probably doesn't even understand me. None of them understand a word I say, except Meara.'

'I understand you quite clearly.' she smiled 'Meara is quite an amiable Merrow. Surprising that she vexed her lover! What a shame!'

"Lo—lover?!" she choked on some water "No...it isn't...ugh...I suppose it doesn't really matter. I asked of her to accompany me this evening; but she sent we away so that she could talk to Niamh." she sighed. "I am wondering if Niamh is her true lover."

'I see...and how long ago has she left you unattended?' she asked Kiandra.

"Uhm, maybe three hours or so." she commented "The sun was overhead during the ritual, and now it is dinnertime. Or so I believe." The Mermaid swam over to be closer to Kiandra as she had only heard about the star-child, but never had seen the child with her own blue eyes.

'You need to give Meara some personal time so that she can do her duty. She is this tribe's High Priestess and the appointed leader of the Merrows. She has many difficult matters to attend to other than making sacrifices and healing the sick. She cannot always be at your side as she is the High Priestess; as you cannot always be at her side as you are our last Breeder. Sometimes...we have to work alone to help our people.'

"I had not realized that her prior obligations were so time consuming." she replied "Nevertheless, I do not feel that she...well...that she feels anything towards me. I barely can understand what she is thinking...it sometimes vexes me!"

'Have you ever thought about just asking her?' the mermaid asked.

"Asking?!" he wondered "Now!? I can't! It is dark outside and she doesn't want me out after dark! It is so dangerous just being out there!"

'Aww...you are so cute when you are flustered!' she giggled 'I did not mean now, but when you have the chance! I understand that newlyweds usually miss each other terribly. It can drive them to do unwise things.'

"It is not that." she muttered.

'You are afraid of the night, because of Balor?'

"Yes." she nodded, tears falling from her eyes and fading into shimmering light. "I am afraid of losing people that I care for."

'Then take this.' as she removes a crystal pendant from around her neck 'And wear it at all times. It will keep Balor away from you as it was made by the Tuatha de Danann.'

"Thank you." she said, accepting the necklace and placing it around her neck. The crystal seemed to activate as it formed a crystalline shield that absorbed into her skin. "I need to go!" she told the mermaid "I do not exactly know how to explain it, but I fear that she is in terrible trouble!" The mermaid just smiled as she gently touched her forehead.

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