Caelan stood amongst them as she did not believe that Meara had it in her to actually go through with the mating.

She was waiting to intervene at a moment's notice...but her heart was crushed when she and everyone heard the young man cry out in pain, just other side of the wall.

"Owww! That hurts!" Kiandra's voice echoed in the hall. And though the people did not understand the words, the pitch and cries were universal.

With a heavy 'thud' 'thud' sound. It sounded like they were actually getting down to business as the over-curious people blushed. They hoped that the star-child would be so willing to submit and be mated as one of their own...and the act filled their empty hearts with hope.


Kiandra laid on the thatch bedding, her long glossy tail flapping around as transforming outside of the water was a strange experience! Her body felt like it weighed a ton, yet her muscles have strengthened and her once dark scales had lightened to a silvery-blue—all thanks to the possession of Aisling, living inside her.

The toxin in Niamh's thorn was enough to ease out Kiandra's Merrow form as Meara slipped into her Merrow form and she laid on top of Kiandra, kissing the young mermaid on the lips. Her slippery body slid up and down on the young girl as she gasped, begging.

[Please do not be so rough! This is my first time.] Kiandra spoke in her Merrow tongue.

Their tails intertwined, constricting tightly as Meara decided that the best thing that she could do to bring out Kiandra's voice was to massage her body. They were not ready to have sex, but intimacy wasn't off of the table.

[You poor thing...] Meara commented as she worked her webbed fingers into Kiandra's soft scaly flesh [ are so tight! I am sorry if I am going far too rough for you! It is hurts, please do not hold back and scream...there is no shame.]

[Eeek!] she yelped as Meara massaged her breasts, actually exciting her.


Outside, the people were so red in the face as they listened in astonishment that they could actually now understand the star-child. And for Caelan, the voices made her scream as she ran out of the hallway, unable to admit defeat.

[You feel so swollen...yet firm and fertile...] Meara cooed [...I am rather jealous, my love. Yours are larger them mine!]

[I...] Kiandra panted [...guess that is because I am a Breeder.] she remarked. Her resistance vanished as she was enjoying the massage that Meara was performing. It was rather divine.

[Ugh...] Kiandra groaned [ are very good at this! I can feel your pressure all the way at the tip of my tail!]

[Is this hard enough?] Meara asked as the people were all envisioning the wrong scenario.

[Uhm, could you go harder?] Kiandra asked in reply as she then yelped and murmured in glee [Kikiki...yes! That's it! Aah, that feels so nice!]


The two of them laid panting on the floor, Meara exhausted from her massage, and Kiandra blushing from the experience.

[Thank you!] Kiandra trilled as she laid there in her Merrow form, trying to catch her breath [Next time, I will be on top and do the same for you.]

Niamh was trying not to die laughing as she could not have asked for a better show. She had closed her eyes, listening to them. And from what she had heard come from Kiandra's mouth, it sounded like Kiandra was now properly mated.

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