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Ava and Grayson get home to Dre making a quick exit from the house. "Hey Dre, I want to tell you what we are planning to do this weekend," Grayson says. "Aww, Gracie, I already know. I have just helped your Dad empty the pool," Dre says opening his car door. "You can stay for dinner if you like," Ava says. "No can do Sunshine, Austin is in there as we speak making something with spaghetti and bananas - hence the very important thing that has just come up for me," he says. "Can I come to your special thing?" Grayson says. "No. Take your lumps in life Gracie they will teach you to be a better man," Dre says then ducks into his car and speeds off.

"He is so lucky, hey, Ava...Ava...Ava!"

"Huh?! Oh sorry, I was just thinking about what your Dad is making for dinner, it sounds good," Ava says shaking her head to get rid of her daydream. "Oookay then..." Grayson says rolling his eyes and walking into the house with Ava. The smell of Austin's food hits them as they walk into the kitchen and while Grayson groans softly Ava finds herself salivating. "Oh, hey!  Dinner is ready if you guys want to eat early," Austin says kissing them both hello. "Yes, please!" Ava says climbing onto a kitchen chair excitedly. She is very excited.

"What's wrong with you?" Grayson whispers. "Nothing and I think what's about to happen will have you loving me more than you ever have before," Ava whispers back. Grayson looks at her suspiciously then shrugs and sighs as Austin puts a plate of food in front of them each. It's unidentifiable, but Ava eats it all, she has seconds and eats Grayson too when Austin's back is turned. "I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in this whole world," Grayson whispers as he pushes what they both think is a banana but could be a potato toward her. Ava grins as she pops it into her mouth and hums at how good it is. She does not know what she is having but if her pregnancy craving is Austin's terrible food it's bound to be a menace to a child.

The rest of the week is very busy as they prep for the BBQ and buy a bunch of grey paint along with paintbrushes and a variety of other colors.  By Saturday morning the pool has dried out and the three of them climb in and give it a light sand before the family gets to the house.

"I am going to paint a mop of red hair on my stingray and can I paint one for Carter?  I am going to put little angel wings on him," Grayson says happily "I am going to put tattoos and a diamond tooth on mine. I'll paint one for Gracie too with a flower crown. What about you Peach?"Austin asks. Ava smiles to herself. "I have an idea as to what I am going to paint - it's a surprise," she says then giggles when Austin comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her. "Does it start with Pea and end with Ch?" he asks. "No... it's better," she says laughing softly.

By the time the family arrives they are all buzzed about their stingrays and Dre brings his new girlfriend whom he announces proudly is not an LA bitch. Ava's mom hands Austin a stun gun that she picked up from a yard sale and tells him it is a better alternative to gangster guns. After they have eaten and tea is offered Ava watches as someone places a cup of tea a little too close to Austin, his face turns a little green as he leans away from it so she takes it quietly, dumping it down the kitchen sink then giggles when she walks out and sees Austin looking at her. "I love you," he mouths and blows her a kiss. "I love you too," she mouths, and then Hope gags beside her. "You guys are gross," she says but her smile is fond.

When they all climb into the pool and start painting it's loud and everyone is either laughing or talking over each other as they mess about and paint. Some stingrays don't look like stingrays at all while some look like they should be in an art studio and Ava can't help but feel they are all perfect in their own right. "Oh, Ava!  Yours is lovely...but what is that next to it, mhm, I wonder?" Hope says trying to act like they never rehearsed this. Ava rolls her eyes and takes a step back as Grayson and Austin lean over to have a look. "What is that? Is it its shadow at the bottom of the sea?" Austin asks turning his head with a frown as he tries to work it out. Ava looks at Hope with big eyes, he was not supposed to think that. What do they do now? Hope shrugs - this was her idea and it seems she has no plan B.

"It looks like you have a baby swimming next to you, Ava!" Grayson says with a laugh. Thank goodness for Grayson. Austin frowns and looks closer. "Yeah, now that you say it, it does look like a baby," he mumbles then looks at Ava. Then he looks back at her stingray and then back at her, his eyebrows shooting up.

"Is that a baby?"


"Why..." Austin whispers, looking back at the stingrays with a confused frown. "Are you...you're pregnant?" he asks turning back to her - his face still confused, but she can see a spark of hope in his eye. Ava smiles and bites her lip nervously then nods. Everyone has gone quiet and is watching them.

"You're sure?"

"Done the tests and everything."

"You're pregnant..."Austin whispers again then his face breaks out in a sunshine smile. "You're pregnant!" he shouts grabbing and spinning her around as she lets out a laugh and clings to him tightly. "Fuck, Yeah! She's pregnant!" he shouts again. The family cheers excitedly and she hears Grayson squeal beside them. Austin puts her down and grabs Grayson then pulls Ava into a tight hug as he laughs, he is elated. "I hope the baby has red hair like me!" Grayson says wrapping his arms around Ava's neck. "I hope the baby is everything like you," Ava manages to say before she feels the entire family descend on them.

Later that night as Austin and Ava sit in their bed talking about the pregnancy - Austin has so many plans, so many choices, and Ava can't feel more elated that she can give this to him, they hear a soft knock on their door and Grayson appears - his little face perplexed.

"What's up, Gracie?" Austin asks pulling back the covers as an invite to climb into bed with them. Grayson clambers onto the bed and settles between them. "I am happy you are having a baby, Ava, I am going to have so much fun being a brother...but, I feel a little sad...I am sorry," he says.

"Don't be sorry, it's ok to feel sad...can you tell us why you feel sad?" Ava asks softly. It's scary going from being an only child to having to share your parent's affection Ava thinks. But, Grayson's answer is not what she expected. "The baby gets to touch his mother...I have you and you feel like a mother, well I think you feel like a mother in my heart...but I don't even know what it's like to touch my mom...I know she is here and sometimes I talk to her but I wonder what it would feel like...just to touch her...it just makes me a little sad sometimes," he says with a sniffle. Ava feels her heart breaking a little for him. She tries as best she can to be as motherly as she can for him - but, she does not have all the answers.

"Close your eyes, Grayson," Austin says softly. Grayson closes his eyes and then Ava watches Austin move to sit slightly in front of him. He lifts his hand and runs his fingers gently through Grayson's hair.

"Feel that?" he whispers.

"Yeah," Grayson whispers back with his eyes still closed. "Your mother loved to run her fingers through people's hair when she wanted to connect with them, when she wanted to soothe them...that is what she felt like," Austin says softly then runs his fingers through Grayson's hair slowly again. "It's like I can feel her for real," Grayson whispers and then shivers when Austin runs his fingers through his hair again. "Whenever you want to feel her come find me and I will do this," Austin says softly. Grayson blinks his eyes open and looks at Austin for a second before he throws his little arms around his neck and holds him tight. "You are the best Dad," he whispers.

Ava might not have all the answers, but Austin certainly does and even though she is happy she can give him another child, she is even more happy that all her children, that includes Grayson, have a father like Austin - they will know love like no one else, they will know a super kind of love.

Yours Truly, Austin Post - Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now