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Ava likes Dre, she had always heard nasty stories about the music industry. That the industry was cutthroat and although she has come to learn over the three months that she has been with Gracie and Austin that the music industry is not a wonderful place, it does have people like Austin and Dre in it - so it's not all bad. Dre visits when he can and for the most part the visits are social only because he can never seem to get enough of Gracie, who adores him just as much. Ava guesses that Gracie's adoration for Dre is because he will defend Austin and his reputation with everything he has. He has also kept Austin's career alive while Austin has been focusing on Gracie. He tries his best to fight off the demands of the record label and always has Austin's best interests in mind. Austin and Gracie trust Dre and he proves to them every day that their trust is not unwarranted.

Today, however, he looks a little stressed when he arrives which means only one thing - the label has tightened the noose and he is not able to talk his way out of their demands. Austin knows it too by the way he keeps a weary eye on him while he inhales the pie Gracie places in front of him.

"My skin is melting by the way you are looking at me, man. Cut it out. Let a man eat in peace," he mumbles with a mouth full of pie. "Why are you here?" Austin asks him moving the pie away when Dre goes in for a second slice. "Can't a man visit just for the sake of visiting?" Dre asks wiping his mouth. "Yes...but you look shady," Austin says pushing the pie in front of him again. "I am a music manager - shifty and shady are just part of my look," Dre answers accepting a second slice of pie from Gracie. "Just speak, Dre. Don't drag it out," Austin warns him. "Fine! Geez! The label is insisting you do a show."

"No. No shows. I am not going away. They agreed. I give them songs for now and I am working on an album...no shows. That was our agreement."

"I told them that. But, the demand for you is too high and they want a show. They wanted five shows but I sold them on some bullshit exclusivity shit and got it down to one show. One night with Post Malone. I also got them to hold it here in Salt Lake City. Told them you can't go too far from rehab."

Ava sits up in her chair. "What? Rehab?" she asks shocked. "The world does not know about Gracie and the label does not know she is sick so we told them I am in rehab, that I am battling addiction and that's why they have backed off so much," Austin explains. "Why?" Ava asks confused. "The world of music is a harsh place full of money-hungry vultures. If they knew what Gracie and Austin are battling through they would find a way to make money out of it. They would make him sing songs about it and put his pain on display for the fucking world. Fuck that, I will never let that happen to them so we fucking lie straight to their faces," Dre says.

Ava knows that there has been speculation for a long time that Austin was battling with drugs and alcohol. She will also admit that she has not gone on social media much since moving in here as Austin and Gracie never do so she had just followed suit. "So people really think you are in rehab?" Ava asks, stunned. Austin nods and Gracie opens her phone then hands it to Ava. She reads a news article talking about Austin having realized he needed help and booked himself into rehab. Ava has not seen Austin take so much as a headache tablet, has the occasional beer - but, don't we all? "But, I have seen you...you always have a drink in hand when you are on stage or in public," Ava says confused now. "It's all smoke and mirrors in this industry," Gracie says softly. "You talking about those red solo cups I am always drinking from?" Austin asks, Ava nods. "Apple juice. Looks like beer, right? I have a multi-million dollar business to run, I can't be half-assing it with a drunk head. That's when mistakes get made. People assume it's beer and I don't correct them," Austin says with a smirk. "It's just show business," Dre adds. "The label has agreed to back off while I am in rehab but they want songs about my addiction struggles now... it's all about the sales...the money," Austin says. "But, I am not doing the show, Dre," he adds.

"Well...just hear me out..." Dre says putting his fork down but Austin shakes his head. "Austin they are threatening to sue for breach of contract," he pleads. "I don't care, let them sue me. The fuckers," Austin says. "I think you should do it," Gracie's voice comes, soft. Austin, Ava, and Dre turn to look at her. She is standing opposite them as she holds onto the kitchen counter, her eyes big and filling with tears. Austin jumps up, rushing to her side. "Baby, why the tears? Are you in pain?" he asks grabbing for her. She lets him pull her into his arms and soothe her for a moment. "I know you worry about my career. I know you worry about how much I love the thrill of performing and that I have neglected it. But, I love you more and if it's gone by the time I am ready to sing again then so be it but, I am not leaving you again even if it's only for a few hours. I am not," he says sternly but sweetly.

"Your mind rattles, it's busy. Writing calms you, and performing makes you feel alive. Austin, I know you say you can't see life after I am gone but you need to -"

"Baby, no."

"I can come with. I can be there the whole time."


"Please...I can't travel far now and with it being here in Salt Lake City...well...I would just love to see you perform again...one more time."

The air feels like it gets sucked out of the kitchen. Gracie's words slapping  everyone in the face with the reality of how far along she is. Everything is now one more time. Austin's knees look weak and he leans on the counter to steady himself. "I am sorry," Gracie whispers. "Don't be, baby, there was nothing better than seeing your face when I performed...I would love to perform for you," Austin says, his voice sounding weak. "It will be my best performance yet," he says cupping her cheeks and pulling her in, kissing her as if he is trying to draw some strength from her.

"Looks like you get to see Post Malone live, Ava. You a fan?" Dre asks. "Not really, no...I am not into shitty music," Ava says. Austin breaks the kiss and throws his head back with a laugh as Gracie chuckles. "That forest fairy is seriously getting too comfortable here for her own good, baby," he says. Ava grins when Gracie looks at her and winks.

Yours Truly, Austin Post - Post MaloneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ