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"I swear he keeps looking at you!" the girl that had drawn the heart on Gracie's forehead says during intermission. "Do you think so?" Gracie asks excitedly like she is not the love of Austin's life. "Yeah! I am sure I saw it too. He hovers by our side of the stage and he keeps looking at you," another girl says. "Oh he must do it at all his shows, it's part of his act surely," Gracie says giggling. "No, I have been to a lot of his shows and he always interacts but he is captivated by you," another girl says. "He is in love!" a guy says from behind them with a laugh. Gracie laughs along and shakes her head. "Well, I would be very lucky to catch his eye," she says laughing them off then turns and grins at Ava. "He does make it obvious," Ava whispers to her and smirks.

"If Post Malone had to fall in love with me, Ava, I would feel like the luckiest girl in the world."

"Well, seems you have all the luck in the world then."

"I do!" Gracie says with a giggle and wraps her arms around Ava's neck hugging her tightly.

When the lights go down again and Austin comes out, Gracie gets lost in the show again and continues to sing along, but she does seem a little tired and does not jump around as much. She has overdone herself. Ava is a little worried and suggests they go backstage for a rest but Gracie refuses. "I need every minute, Ava, every last second," she says. Ava knows by the defiance in her eyes that she has no chance of convincing her otherwise. Ava does breath a little sigh of relief though when the show finally comes to an end. "Ready to go now?" she asks.

"Not a chance! I need him to sign my cell phone case."

"He can do that in the dressing room or your bed," Ava points out. "It won't be the same, Ava. I need to get his signature here. Please. See, he's already off the stage and heading our way," Gracie says. "Fine, but we go as soon as he is done," Ava says. "Promise," Gracie agrees. They watch as he walks slowly towards them stopping to sign and take pictures. He gets to the girl next to Gracie and smiles at her. "Hi, thanks for coming out," he says, the girl freezes and looks at Gracie like she is going to pass out. "Tell him it's your first show and ask him for a hug," Gracie tells her. The girl tries to talk but it just comes out as a squeak. "Sorry, my friend is a little shy. Her name is Darcy and this is her first show. She adores you," Gracie says. The girl, Darcy, looks at Gracie gratefully and then back at Austin. "Thanks for coming out, Darcy. You want a hug?" Austin asks. Darcy nods quickly then starts crying when Austin pulls her into a tight hug then lets her go and finally makes it in front of Gracie with a smirk.

"Hello, lil mama, you want a picture?"

"Yes, please, and would you sign my cellphone case too?"

"Ok," he says biting his bottom lip as his smile stretches a little too wide. He takes her phone then turns it and takes a selfie of them as Gracie sneaks a kiss to his cheek.

"Oh, and one with my best friend too please."


Gracie pulls Ava into the frame and Austin takes a selfie of them.

"Oh! And one with all my new friends too please!"

"You are taking liberties now," Austin chuckles but hands her phone to one of the bodyguards who takes a group photo that includes Ava, Austin, and all of Gracie's new friends. "You want me to sign your case right?" he asks taking her phone from his bodyguard and signing it then handing it back to her. "Thank you for coming tonight," he says and hugs her, "I love you," Ava sees him whisper into her ear quickly then moves on to Ava. "You don't want anything signed?" he asks. Ava chuckles and passes him her cell phone, he signs the back of it and then pulls her in for a hug. "She is tired, take her to the back, and thank you, Ava," he whispers then moves on to his next fan.

"Oh, my fuck! Did you hear what he called you?" one of her new friends ask. "What?" Gracie asks. "He called you lil mama! Girl, that boy is smitten," another girl says. Gracie laughs. "Hey, can you share that group photo with us please?" a guy asks. "Sure!" Gracie says then Ava waits as they share numbers and Gracie shares the photo with them while Ava also cuddles Darcy who is still trying to learn to breathe again.

"You'll be ok soon, Darcy."

"I don't think I will ever be ok again, Ava. This is the best night of my life!" Darcy sniffles then says her goodbyes and rushes off with her friends.

Austin's nearly done and if she doesn't get Gracie into his dressing room soon there will be hell to pay. "Come on, Gracie, we have to go now," she says and starts pulling her away as Gracie says mournful goodbyes to her new friends. They make their way to a side door and thank goodness Dre is waiting for them, Gracie's knees give way and so he carries her to the back quickly and lays her down on the couch in Austin's dressing room. "I think you overdid it tonight," Ava says. "I disagree," Gracie says smiling at her. "Tonight was wonderful and I am happy it's a memory that is also just yours and mine," Gracie adds.

"You...called me your best friend..."

"Well, that's because you are."

It takes Austin a good half an hour to get back to his dressing room and thankfully Gracie looks a little better, but Ava still gets a sharp side-eye from Austin. "You are not the only one that can't say no to her," Ava defends herself.

"You have fun, baby?"

"I did! You are amazing out there!"

"Thank you. What's on your forehead?"

"Oh, one of the girls had a face paint kit and drew this pink heart on me. You like it?"

"I do."

"That would be a cool tattoo, I have my kit here. I can tattoo it now if you like?" one of Austin's friends says. "Yeah, but I want Gracie to do it," Austin says sitting down next to her. "Me? I don't know how to tattoo," she says. "I will show you," Austin's friend says putting a box down on the table next to them. "Come here," Austin says pulling Gracie onto his lap in a straddle and wrapping his arms around her. "What color do you want it?" Gracie asks.

"Pink, like yours."

Austin's friend sets up his tattoo kit and then explains to Gracie how to tattoo. He outlines the heart and tells her to just color inside the lines. "You sure about this?" she asks with the tattoo gun in her hand looking a bit nervous. "A hundred percent sure," Austin confirms. The friend starts the machine and Gracie puts the tattoo gun to his skin moving it carefully as she shades between the lines. Halfway through Austin suddenly grab her hips. "You are killing me here, baby," he says. "Oh sorry, I have no idea what I am doing," she giggles. "Ignore him, he's a baby when it comes to tattoos, but keep your strokes fluid," Austin's friend says. Gracie powers on and soon she is finished. The friend shows her how to clean it and then Gracie leans back and inspects her work. "Oh it's so cute!" she says pulling out her phone and taking a picture to show him. Austin smiles at it then pulls her down and kisses her.

"Who is next?" the friend asks as Gracie and Austin get lost in themselves. Someone puts up their hand and Austin's friend moves on to do a tattoo on him. Ava watches in awe - only in this crazy world of music would it be normal to get tattooed in a dressing room after a show.

Yours Truly, Austin Post - Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now