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Summer. Ava knows it's a summer day before she even opens her eyes because she has a sweet happy Gracie peep into her room twice already to see if Ava is awake. On the third time, Gracie's impatience gets the better of her and she climbs quietly onto Ava's bed.

"I am still asleep, Gracie girl," Ava mumbles with her eyes closed as she hides her smile. "I know, but I thought I would just sit here quietly until you wake up. Just pretend I am not even here," Gracie whispers. Ava tries to keep her eyes closed but she can feel Gracie looking at her so she opens one eye and sure enough Gracie is watching her - trying desperately to calm her excitement so Ava gives up and sits up. "What has gotten you so excited?" she asks. "Austin said yes. He made an appointment at the doctor and we leave in an hour," Gracie says. Ava smiles and pulls her in for a hug. "I am so happy for you. This is going to be a good day," she says. "Well...hold that thought. Austin made breakfast, so..." Gracie says with a giggle. Ava is about to groan but then Austin pushes the door open with his foot and walks in with a tray.

"Breakfast for the ladies of the house," he says walking in with a proud smile. "Breakfast in bed! Oh, we are lucky!" Gracie says as Austin puts the tray down between them. Ava is not so sure if lucky is the right word. "What is that?" she points to a pile of white stuff. "Started as a fried egg, landed up as scrambled egg," Austin says sitting down on the end of the bed. "Where is the yellow part?" Gracie asks. "Egg turns white when you cook it, baby," Austin answers as if that's the obvious answer. Gracie takes her plate and starts eating it, she also takes her glass of juice and takes a gulp between each bite but, she hums and tells Austin who is smiling like a puppy that it's wonderful. Ava takes her plate and scoops a mouth full of eggs. It's crunchy. The bacon is burnt, the mushrooms have more garlic than mushroom and her toast is like rubber but she smiles and gulps her juice between bites offering the puppy man a nod of approval.

"There is more, would you like more?" Austin asks when they finish. Ava freezes, she can't handle more. Gracie sighs and places her quarter-eaten plate on the tray. "I wish I could handle more, my love, it was so good," she says. "That's ok. Ava?" Austin says turning to Ava. "You plated a giant serving and I have eaten it all - I am going to pop so although I wish I could I can't. But, thank you so much," she says placing her plate back on the tray. "All good. As long as you both have a good breakfast. Get dressed we are leaving soon," Austin says picking up the tray and walking out.

"You need to talk to him about his cooking, Gracie."

"I haven't the heart. He tries so hard and is so proud of what he makes."

"He will kill someone one day."

Gracie laughs then shakes her head. "That man is only capable of killing with love. Don't you dare tell him his cooking skills are bad... it's one of my favorite things about him. I hope he never learns to cook but, continues to try - he can't be good at everything after all."

"I promise."

Ava does not know if she will ever see Austin again after Gracie goes. There's a piece of her that hopes they will remain friends but, she doubts it. Austin will be broken for a long time after Gracie and he won't be looking to be maintaining any friendships. He has his family and a few close friends who are preparing to hold him up until he is strong enough to do so himself. But, if she does have the fortune of remaining friends with him she will keep her promise to Gracie and smile through every burnt steak and watery vegetable he makes.

Ava lets Gracie choose her outfit for the day and although she usually leaves her blond hair loose, today, she lets Gracie plate it like she does her nieces. Ava's feelings towards Gracie have grown steadily over the time she has been with her and today it sits firmly in adore and love. Gracie has captured her heart. It's very easy to hand over all the affection she has left to her and she knows Gracie will hold it carefully. It scares her, she will never experience a loss like Carter but Gracie's eventual loss will hit her hard. She should perhaps walk away, get out before it's too late in the hopes she can save herself a little heartache - but it is already too late.

They walk out of her room arm in arm as Gracie chats and giggles about how exciting this all is. Austin raises his eyebrow and smirks when he sees what Gracie has done to Ava's hair. "You look like a little forest fairy," he says. "That's the point puppy boy," Ava says with mock annoyance. "I think she looks lovely," Gracie says. Austin grins, grabs her waist, and pulls her close to him. "You are very good with your hands," he mumbles and looks at her as if he is ready to eat her. Gracie giggles and leans in mumbling something about showing him how good she is with her hands later tonight so Ava climbs into the car quickly and averts her eyes as Austin practically attacks Gracie's lips. She can feel the heat from the kiss - their passion is on fire.

She hears the passenger door open and then Austin helps Gracie climb in, closing the door gently behind her. "Sorry," Gracie whispers as Austin walks around the car. "Don't be. Love is beautiful and that man has it bad for you," Ava says. Gracie looks at Austin with stars in her eyes as Austin climbs in, she has it just as bad. Ava watches them from the back seat and it pulls on her heartstrings. Austin is constantly touching her, he acknowledges everything she says even when she points out a cow on a hill. He gives her all his attention, Ava does not think he actively tries to - he is just so wrapped up in her that it's natural.

"Oh look! Those people are waving at you," Gracie says when they stop at a set of traffic lights.

"Baby, don't-"

"But, they are so excited. I love that they get so excited to see you! They love you," Gracie says. "Say hello, you grumpy sod," Ava backs up Gracie because it is Gracie and she will do anything for Gracie, and because Austin looks slightly uncomfortable and she will admit she finds it a little funny. Austin shoots her an unimpressed look then turns back to Gracie who is grinning. "Wind down your window, baby and turn your face towards me," he says. Gracie does as he asks then he leans over and waves out to them as they wave back and start taking photos. "Why don't you ever let them see me?" Gracie asks into his ear.

"Because I don't like sharing, baby- you belong to me..."

"Not the world."

"Exactly," Austin says then sits back and drives off as the light turns green.

"You guys give me toothache, it's disgusting," Ava teases trying to hide her laugh, but she can't when Gracie starts laughing and Austin joins in.

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