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She walks out of her room with her overnight bag and giggles when she sees Mr. Tubs slide off the couch in a coma from Grayson scratching his stomach. "I am ready," she says holding up her bag. "Can we take Mr. Tubs?" Grayson asks but Ava shakes her head. "Not just yet...soon...maybe," she says softly. "Ava," Austin says from behind her, she turns and sees he is watching her carefully. "What if you choose just one thing? Just one thing to leave behind at home," he says gently. Ava trusts him and appreciates that he is patent with how slow she is being about this. She does not know what is holding her back - maybe she is afraid of no longer being just her as if that would be a betrayal of Carter, she is not sure. "Um...I don't know what to bring...you chose something," she says looking around.

"Can I choose something too?!" Grayson asks excitedly. "Yes, but not Mr. Tubs," Ava says. Grayson runs out of the lounge and when she turns to look for Austin he is gone too. Five minutes later they both walk back in with their hands behind their backs. "You first, Gracie," Austin says. Grayson produces her wooden fruit bowl that sat in the middle of her kitchen table.

"My fruit bowl?"

"I like fruit and I want to put fruit in this bowl."

"Ok...good choice," Ava says grinning at him then she turns to Austin. He watches her carefully and then produces a large framed photo of Carter, it's one of her favorites. "Thought this might make you feel a little more at ease...they will all go up eventually - we can start with this one," he says. Ava grins at him and nods. She likes that idea. "Who is that?" Grayson asks looking at Carter. "It's Carter," Austin says. "Mom's Carter? Is that what he looks like? You knew him, Ava?" Grayson asks. Grayson knows a lot but some things just take longer to come out. "He was mine while he lived here...then he left and waited for your mom - she has him now," Ava says.

Grayson looks at the photo and then up at Ava. His face screws up as if he has eaten a lemon and he blinks his eyes very quickly. He is trying not to cry. "Big feelings, buddy?" Austin asks him, and Grayson nods. "That's ok, take a second and breath," Austin says. Grayson takes a few breaths and then looks at Ava. "Carter is mom's guardian angel and you are my guardian angel," he says then hugs her tight. Now, Ava looks like she has a lemon in her mouth as she blinks tears back. "Big feelings, Peach?" Austin asks her, and she nods.

Austin waits by his front door as Ava unlocks it with a grin. It's such a small thing but at the same time, it's huge. Then while Ava helps Grayson set up the fruit bowl on the kitchen island Austin disappears then reappears with a hammer. "Pick a spot," he says handing her Carter's picture. Austin and Grayson follow her around the house and then she finally settles on an empty wall near the kitchen. Austin hammers in the nail then Ava hangs his picture and they all stand back to have a look. "He is very handsome, Ava...almost as handsome as Dad," Grayson says. Ava laughs and shrugs.

"I would say just as handsome as your dad."

"But not as strong though," Grayson counters. Austin fist-pumps him. "Wingman," he whispers with a grin. Ava rolls her eyes and laughs again - she is happy, really happy. Austin and Carter would have made fast friends - they have the same values but are very different. While Austin is tall, stocky, has long messy hair, is rough bearded, outgoing, loud, full of tattoos, and is no stranger to the limelight. Carter was short, small, smoothed face, tattooless, quiet, and preferred to sit behind a desk away from any attention. They're both perfect in their own right.

"Alright! I told the cook not to come tonight. I am making dinner - it's a special occasion," Austin says proudly. Ava and Grayson freeze. It's been a long busy day and they are both hungry - they can't deal with Austin's cooking tonight. "Oh...uh...I was hoping to cook tonight," Ava says following him into the kitchen.

"You are a guest."

"Not anymore, I live here."

Austin stops and turns to look at her then looks at Grayson who is nodding. "Well, I suppose you are right," Austin says a little unsure. "Go play with Grayson. I will make lasagna," Ava says.

"Yes!!" Grayson says fist pumping the air then stops when he realizes he is a little too excited. Austin's looking at him suspiciously. "I am just excited to spend some extra time with my dad. I love you, Dad," Grayson says then bolts out the door. "That's weird, right? His reaction. Do you think he does not like my cooking?" Austin asks. Ava wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him down to her. "Don't be silly. He loves your cooking, he just loves spending time with you more," Ava says attaching her lips to his. "Yeah, that's what I thought," Austin mumbles into the kiss.

Dinner is a success and Grayson is very grateful but does mention that Ava could maybe take a lesson or to from his father to help improve her cooking. Austin hides his smirk but tells Ava she had made a good effort while on his third helping. When it's time for Grayson to go the bed he takes Ava's hand. "Can Ava put me to bed tonight?" he asks. Ava freezes, she's not sure how Austin will react - he is sentimental, it's just the way he is and he has always made a point of putting Grayson to bed. "Yes she can," Austin says opening the fridge and taking milk out as if Grayson said nothing major. "You sure?" Ava asks just to make sure. "Yeah...I'll just do it next time," he shrugs, hiding his smirk. Ava can't stop the smile that creeps on her face and then she walks with Grayson down to his room. It's the same as it was when he was a baby, the only thing that has changed is the furniture. But, Gracie's mural is still on the wall and the pictures of the family are still dotted around. She helps him climb into bed and then sits down next to him.

"So, what do you do before bedtime?"

"I get a story."

"Ok. What are you reading, where is the book?"

"No book. I choose a family member and Dad tells me a story about them. Today I choose...um...today I think I am going to choose Dad. I never get a story about him because he is always the one telling the stories. So him please."

Ava thinks back to all the memories she has of Austin, there is a lot and to be honest, they are all very fond memories but there is one that stands out the most.

"I can tell you about the first time I saw him after you were born...he smelled really bad and his hair was crazy! It was loose and standing up all over the place. His beard was long too and he had dried milk down his front, Oh! And his pants!"

"What was on his pants?"

"I don't think anyone knows, not even him. He was tired and hungry and looked like he was losing his mind!"

"He told me after I was born that I drove him crazy."

"You did! You ever slept and you pooped a lot and you would get so mad if your bottle was not ready on time - he would rush around like a madman while you screamed for your bottle!" she says and they both laugh at the crazy image of an insane Austin.

"But...he loved you so much and he was so happy...you made him ok again...you made his heart whole again and when I saw his eyes sparkle while he held you so gently to his chest like a little tree frog I knew your Dad's days would be summer days, every day."

"I love him so much."

"You give the best kind of love."

"I love you too...I love my mom and I know she loves me but, I can't see her. I see you though and I love you."

Ava blinks back her tears and stares at Grayson, she can't love anyone more than she does him.

"You are my favorite. My favorite though. My favorite memory. My favorite feeling. My favorite smile. My favorite heart. You are my favorite person...you are my favorite everything and I love you too," Ava says. Grayson smiles then snuggles into his pillow with a satisfied smile on his face. "Good night, Gracie," she whispers kissing the top of his head then stands. She sees a shadow by the door but when she steps outside his room she sees no one. She shrugs and walks down to the kitchen, Austin is no longer in there but she sees him outside by the pool and he looks like he needs a moment alone.

Yours Truly, Austin Post - Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now