The Vampires Pet:[15]

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A few days passed with little interaction with the other purebloods as they stayed in the room, making their own fun. But by day 3, Micah was losing his mind, staring out the open window, debating if he wanted to pull a Belle from beauty and the beast and tie the sheets together for freedom.

Joss, on the other hand, just remained seated on the floor with his back to the door. His knees up to his chest as he rested his head on the door, looking over at Micah's amusing antics.

He was feeling nauseous and sick, but he didn't want to blurt that out loud since he knew it was from not having been bit in a hot minute. He decided to suffer alone, keeping his symptoms at bay by staying in this position close to the door.

Micah let out a frustrated growl. "God damnit, if she was going to be here, she'd be here by now! I'd much rather be at home than bored out of my mind here." He grumbled, jumping onto the bed in a starfish position.

Joss felt a wave of vertigo hit him, and he slapped a hand over his mouth to keep any sort of vomit from coming up. He hated this feeling so much. He's always despised being sick. Especially because in the past, when he was sick, his stepfather used to kick his ass saying he was faking it. So he would suppress his symptoms as much as possible to keep the beatings at bay. Sometimes, it worked, and sometimes, it didn't.

A loud thud from the bathroom startled Joss, who jumped at the noise. He looked over at Micah, hoping he had heard some form of the noise, but Micah didn't stir.

Joss gulped, looking back at the closed door of the bathroom. With the little strength he had, he reached up and gripped the door knob, helping himself up to his feet. He started backing away from the bathroom until he was at Micah's feet.

This stirred Micah. "Whats up?" He asked.

"I... I thought I heard something from the bathroom." Joss explained.

Micah sat up, looking over at the bathroom. He realized the light was now off when he strictly remembered leaving it on. Micah jumped off the bed and stopped just shy of Joss. Both of them grow silent, with only their breathing being heard.

There was another thump out in the hall, and this seemed to startle them both. Everything that happened next was like a blur of colors to him.

The door to the bathroom busted open, revealing a man with the fangs of a rogue. Joss seemed to gain back some strength and ran for the chair, grabbing it and throwing it at the Rogue, knocking him down.

"Jesse! Milo!" He screamed.

The Rogue got back up, and Joss grabbed Micah, turning to run at the opposite side of the room. Micah stopped and grabbed a long metal pole that was for drawing the curtains and gripped it in his hand.

The Rogue ran at them, jumping over the bed and sprinting full speed at Micah. He held the metal pole out, stabbing the man in the stomach. It let out a screech, but Micah jammed the metal pole into the bed, pinning him somewhat there. Joss grabbed Micah's shirt and dragged him along as they ran for the door. Joss tried the handle, cursing that it was still locked.

Micah slammed into it, though instead of getting out, he was left to groan at the pain in his shoulder. This place was old, Joss had no doubt that the doors were solid wood, unlike what you would get at any other home.

"God fucking dammit!" Micah screamed, clutching his shoulder.

Joss looked around frantically, trying to see some form of escape or defense. Unfortunately, nothing was popping out at him for defense. They were trapped.

Joss did the next best thing and rapped his knuckles against the door, banging as loud as he could muster. His hand stung from the repetitive motion, but he didn't care. All that mattered was getting any of their attention.

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