The Vampires Pet: [10]

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Coming across a century old two story house wasn't what Joss had in mind when they said bunker of Denizens. The outside contained water damaged wooden walls with molding windowsills and cracked windows with some boards broken off the wall. Graffiti littered the stone parts of the house, some with gang signs, while others were artistic.

The weeds that grew around the fenced off property were taller than Joss, which amazed him to see the amount of decay and lack of care this place is given. The thing Joss found interesting was the fact the whole second floor was nearly concave into itself from water damage, making the outside look sketchy to Joss.

"Is this the place? Cause it looks... very questionable." Joss states, pricking his finger on the giant weeds. Retracting his hand, he looked up at the stairs where the others were standing, creaking the floorboards with every step.

Joss jogged to catch up with them, entering the unsteady house, flinching at the loud creaking upstairs.

"This used to be our home before we split up to live where we do now. Though Joyce and I, sadly, are houseless thanks to that Cunt." Ansley says, smirking at his use of vulgar language.

Joss nodded awkwardly, turning his attention to the room, taking in the ever decaying walls around him. Joss has seen his fair share of old houses but none as dilapidated as this one. It gave him a sense of uneasiness like it was going to suddenly become possessed and kill him.

Shaking that thought, he picked up his pace, staying close to Joyce for some form of safety.

"This place doesn't quite hold up like it did in our time of inhabiting." Joyce says, running his hand along the scratched up wall paper.

Milo chuckled, picking up a vase with evaporating lines on the inside where water once filled. "How long has it been? 200 years?"

"Roughly." Says Jesse.

Joss bit his lip, still new to the fact they were centuries old. He should be used to hearing it, but it still feels weird. Deciding to let them reminisce, Joss slipping into a separate room. It looked like a bedroom with outdated molding furniture sprawled across the ground. The curtains that hung from the wall were ripped and water damaged from all the years of neglect.

Taking a step, Joss paused, hearing a small knock near his head. Jumping he turned around just as the door closed. Joss ran for it, rapping his knuckles against the door in a fast, rhythmic pattern.

"Milo?! Jesse! This isn't funny! let me out!" Joss begged, trying for the door knob but realized how rusty it was, not bothering to turn no matter how hard he tried.

"Joss?!" He heard Milo's voice muffled behind the door, flooding Joss with some relief.

"Open the door!" He pleads.

Silence was met as the door knob was fiddled with. Joss stepped back, holding his breath as the banging on the door grew more violent.

A cold breeze tickled his neck, giving him goose bumps, freezing him in his tracks. Joss slowly turned, meeting bright red eyes and a mouth full of shark teeth. A rogue.

Joss screamed, kicking the still man in the nuts, triumphantly knocking the man to the ground. Joss ran, slamming against the door just as Milo and Jesse pulled it opened.

Joss landed in Milo's chest, toppling both of them to the ground as Joyce and Ansley rushed into the room, detaining whoever was stalking Joss.

Disoriented, Milo could feel Joss shaking against him. Milo wrapped his arms around Joss, trying to give him some security.

"Calm down, it's okay." He soothes.

Joss gulped, snuggling into Milo's neck as he sat up, looking past Joss to see a rogue fighting against the two people restraining him. Milo got a twisted feeling in his stomach realizing just how close, yet again, Joss came to being prey to their kind.

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