"No not yet" I told her and frowned a lil bit "I texted him but Ion know if he replied" I took my phone out my purse and seen that he replied 'ight. imma be there' two minutes after I texted him.

Liking the message I put my phone away and leaned back in the chair with a rumbling stomach, "Nia you wanna go the movie theatre?"

"To watch what?"

"You wanna go or not?" I repeated cause Ion know what movie I just wanna go.

"I'll come" she shrugged "but I'm bringing Setty".

"It's cool I was gonna make my man come wimme, he just need to hurry up cause I miss him" I sighed as I kept glancing to the door to see if he'll walk in any time soon.

"Is Lani in loveeeeee?" Shania teased having me roll my eyes at her.

"No I'm not I just haven't seen him, it's been like a week" I exaggerated.

"Girl it's been two days" Nia corrected.

"I know" I frowned "it feel like weeks, I'm thinking of a horror movie you up for that?"

"Hell nah cause I know you wanna watch it in 3D or some shit" she scoffed.

"I'm not paying for a movie to watch it in 2D, I could wait for it to go on one of them illegal websites and watch it at home, but Ion wanna do that" I muttered catching myself looking at the door once again.

"A horror movie is wild by itself but in 3D? Now you're bugging" she chuckled.

"You got Setty to protect you if something jumps out the screen" I added on "I feel like it would be fun" at this point Ion know why I'm tryna subtly convince her cause I'm dragging her ass in there, whether she like it or not.

"Set would probably be scared too, I put on this lil horror movie why was he screaming more than me?"

Ion wanna even imagine it cause Shania cannot sit there and watch a horror movie without pulling on my clothes from jump scares, screaming in my ear or to be able to sit and not cover her eyes, she cannot willingly do that unless I'm holding her hands down.

So if she's like that Ion wanna know how Setty move when he watches a horror movie.

"And that's exactly why you two scary niggas are meant for each other" I got stopped just as I was gonna say my next sentence because the waiter finally brought out our food.

"I'm sorry for the wait" he apologised as he put down Layla's food I couldn't stop staring at her chicken.

"Nah you're good" I dismissed he put down Leon's food and another waiter came to put down mine thanking him he nodded his head and walked away.

"Would you like anything to drink?"

"Can I get sweet tea and water, and orange juice for these two" I said pointing at Leon and Layla I know better then to give them something sweet cause they'll not be sleeping tonight with their lil sugar rush.

"Could you make that another sweet tea and water?" The waiter nodded and walked away I decided to eat the lo mein first cause that's the only thing that I really know on my plate.

me, u& hennessy | K.FUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum