TOTK Memories

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Zelda has just sealed Calamity Ganon but Link was crushed. The Princess the one he's been trying to save has long passed. "Link dry your tears though I may be a spirit I am still here." She said walking closer. "Hyrules Royal Family is not gone, Link. There is still one member alive." Zelda said she lowered her head and prayed. "Link I shall now awaken your birthright may our power lead Hyrule to an era of peace." Zelda's magic condensed into a ball which flew into Link's body.

Gasping Link's body exploded with Golden light. Memories rushed back to him from when his consciousness first developed to now everything was crystal clear. He was the last member of the Royal Family he was the twin brother to Princess Zelda of Hyrule He was the Prince who should not have been born.

A wolf's whine slowly brought him back to reality. Wolfie his companion throughout this journey was licking him trying to dry the tears he didn't realize were there. Link sniffed launching himself at the wolf he cuddled into the soft fur.

Blocky darkness flew off the wolf revealing a Hylian man "Wild what's wrong?" The man asked holding the smaller man closer. However, he was unable to respond his sobs too strong to utter any words.

Half an hour later Wild had cried himself to sleep. "Impa might know what to do." The darkness returned and in the man's place the wolf appeared laying Wild down on his back the wolf ran to Kakariko village.

"Impa!" He shouted starting her and Paya. "Hero of Twilight" Impa greeted. "Somethings wrong Wild defeated Ganon but Zelda isn't here and he's been crying since Ganons death." Impa lowered her head. "So he knows." She whispered. "Paya, take Link to bed the Hero of Twilight and I have a lot to discuss." Paya nodded and brought Link upstairs.

Twilight woke up breath shallow and sweaty. "Twi, you okay?" Wild asked his face scrunched up in worry. "I'm fine Wild just a bad dream." Twilight responded sitting up. "Okay...Twilight I've been thinking maybe it's time to tell the others" Wild said bringing a hand to his collarbone. "Are you sure Wild once we do that we can't undo it." Wild nodded and pulled out a necklace.

"Everyone I have something to say." Wild said drawing the attention of the other heroes. "Cool necklace Wild." Wind said. His eyes were drawn in by the golden tear-shaped jewel. "Thank you, Wind." Wild took and deep breath. "I have something to share with you regarding my latest adventure and the truth behind who I am...I am the twin brother of Princess Zelda of Hyrule, Link Prince of Hyrule."

"What?" Warriors choked out. Similar sounds of disbelief followed. "Now regarding my new adventure, I'd like for you to see my memories of that time." Wild's necklace began to glow. Spreading his hands the landscape changed.

Blinking rapidly the Heros were greeted with Korok forest. Wild and Twilight walked up to the podium were the master sword was resting. "It is good to see you, Prince Link of Hyrule, and Link Hero of Twilight. Your blade has been fully restored. Go on then Hero of Twilight draw it once more." And he does holding the master sword skyward.

"Great Deku Tree. Thank you so much." Wild said walking closer. "Ha ha ha... There is no need for thanks. I merely watched over it's renewal." The Deku Tree replied humbled. Wild lowers his gaze to the master sword. "It is amazing that a sword can heal itself, no matter how badly damaged it becomes..." Twilight snaps the sword forward. "It can do more than heal. The sword will continue to gain strength if bathed in sacred power. The stronger that power, the more powerful the sword becomes. The potential of this fabled blade may well be limitless. Truly the work of a goddess." The Deku Tree says.

"A sword... That grows ever stronger." Twilight sheaths the blade.

"The master sword"

The forest disappears and the Heros are greeted with their camp sight. "Wild... why didn't you take the master sword?" Sky asks "I had a bad history with the blade so Twilight took her for me." He explained. "Since when were you a prince?" Legend asked. "Hyrules Royal Family persecuted any male offspring. I was going to be killed but my mother sent me away to be raised by the captain of the Royal Guard and his wife." Wild said tensely "After the only known prince cursed his sister this tradition has been practiced." Time finally spoke. "Have you regained your memories?" He asked. "Yes and much more, all of my sister's knowledge has been passed on to me and my memories have all been restored. Though I wish they weren't" Wild said the last part too quietly for anyone to hear.

"We'll that's enough excitement for today." Time suddenly said. "Off to bed now everyone." Grumbled were his reply but the other Heros soon fell asleep.

The Awaking.

"Wild, Hyrule and I were wondering if you could use your time magic to play with us?" Wind asked

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