soft boys and jealous mentours

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Hyrule was reading his spell book before he felt the eyes of Wild burning through the back of his head "Is there something you need Wild". He asked as Wild walked Infront of him with Glowing eyes "come with me I Wana show you something" Hyrule looked around seeing the other focused on their thing intently "Okay let's go". And with that the two boys left

"Wild are we close" Hyrule asked nervously the two have been walking for a long time and they were far from the other so if they were attacked the couldn't get back up "Yes where close trust me just a couple more minutes" Wild reassured his brother "Okay" Was Hyrule's unsure response

"Okay where here" Wild parted the leaves showing the most beautiful clearing Hyrule has seen in his whole life. It was filled with all types of flora and fauna. Cherry blossom trees giving it a divine felling "Wild this is beautiful how did you fine this place?" Hyrule asked confused on how his brother found such a divine clearing "I don't know honestly I just let my feet guide me" Wild said as he walked to the middle "Dance with me" he asked streaching his arm out for Hyrule hesitated but Wilds goddess like smile convinced him to grab the hand offered to him.

As the two peacefully danced they fergot about the world around them the only thing that exists to the other is the person right in front of their eyes. Time looked up noticing that the champion and the travler have left the group. He sighed worried that they somehow managed to burn down a whole forest of worse "Boys where missing someone!" Time shouted to the others startling then form their deep focus "let me guess the champion bad the travler"  Legend unamused voice spoke as he stared on the now empty seats of the two "Yes so Twilight and Legend will look for their protégé's" Time said laying down mubbling "I'm to old for this shit" Thankfully none of the others heard him

"Why don't you turn into a wolf so we can find them quicker?" Legend asked startling Twilight "I left the crystal back at camp" he lies and Legend sighs "put of all they days you could leave it at camp it had to be now" He grumbles angerly. Hyrule and Wild were still dancing but more slow paced With Hyrule's arm around Wilds waist and his other arm holding Wilds unoccupied hand "You know where gonna get in trouble if they find us right?" Hyrule asked his partner "Yeah but it's fine" Wild says looking into Hyrule's eyes. "Are we close yet" Legend whines "For the last time yes their sent stoped just past these leaves" Twilight angerly says as he parts the leaves.

Wild and Hyrule abandoned their slow dance in favor of a free style. But Wild trips on a lose stone and starts to fall but Hyrule stops his desant by wrapping his arms around his waist. The two giggle and eventually break out into a laugh. Wild warps his arms around Hyrule neck and pulls bout down to the ground their laughing never stoping "I don't want this to end" Hyrule suddenly says. Wild lifts his chin up to see his brother face brimming with unshed tears "I don't want this to end I want to stay with you Wild with everyone once this journey is over" Hyrule faces the sky tears now freely falling down his face. Wild cuddles into the crying boys chest and looks him in the eye "Hyrule I can promise you this will always be together no matter what and if Hylia has a problem with that then I'll fight her" Wild promises Hyrule effectively calming his down "Thanks Wild I really needed to hear that" Hyrule snuggled into the boy on him looking down Wilds hair covers back reminding him of a beautiful field of corn flowers "Yeah no problem" The two yawn and fall asleep in each other's arms

Legend fake gags at the heartfelt sean before him "It's to much" "Legend stop over exaggerating" Twilight says picking up a sleeping Wild "oh alright caption duallness" he sassaly responses picking up Hyrule. The two walk back with a jellous aura clinging to them like a skulltala.

Loz one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें